Namespace VDS.RDF.Parsing.Handlers
A RDF Handler which just determines whether any Triples are present terminating parsing as soon as the first triple is received.
Abstract Base Class for Handlers.
Abstract Base Class for RDF Handlers.
Abstract Base Class for SPARQL Results Handlers.
A RDF Handler which wraps another Handler allowing handling to be cancelled.
A Handler which passes the RDF to be handled through a sequence of Handlers where Handling is terminated as soon as any Handler returns false.
A RDF Handler which simply counts the Triples.
A RDF Handler which asserts Triples into a Graph.
A RDF Handler that rewrites the Graph URIs of Triples before passing them to an inner handler.
Static Class of extension methods for use with Handler classes.
A Results Handler which extracts Literals from one/more variables in a Result Set.
A Results Handler which extracts URIs from one/more variables in a Result Set.
A Handler which passes the RDF to be handled to multiple Handlers where Handling terminates in the handling request where one of the Handlers returns false.
A SPARQL Results Handler which loads directly into a Multiset.
A RDF Handler that ignores everything it handles.
A RDF Handler which wraps another handler passing only the chunk of triples falling within a given limit and offset to the underlying Handler.
A SPARQL Results Handler which just counts Results.
A Results Handler which writes the handled Results out to a System.IO.TextWriter using a provided IResultFormatter.
A RDF Handler which simply counts the Triples and Graphs.
A RDF Handler that loads Quads into a ITripleStore instance.
An RDF Handler which wraps another handler, stripping explicit xsd:string datatypes on object literals.
A decorator for handlers which ensures that all blank nodes get unique IDs even if a blank node identifier is reused.
A RDF Handler which writes the handled Triples out to a System.IO.TextWriter using a provided ITripleFormatter.