Namespace VDS.RDF.Query.Expressions.Functions.XPath.String
Abstract Base class for XPath Binary String functions.
Abstract Base Class for XPath Unary String functions.
Represents the XPath fn:compare() function.
Represents the XPath fn:concat() function.
Represents the XPath fn:contains() function.
Represents the XPath fn:encode-for-uri() function.
Represents the XPath fn:ends-with() function.
Represents the XPath fn:escape-html-uri() function.
Represents the XPath fn:lower-case() function.
Represents the XPath fn:normalize-space() function.
Represents the XPath fn:normalize-unicode() function.
Represents the XPath fn:replace() function.
Represents the XPath fn:starts-with() function.
Represents the XPath fn:string-length() function.
Represents the XPath fn:substring-after() function.
Represents the XPath fn:substring-before() function.
Represents the XPath fn:substring() function.
Represents the XPath fn:upper-case() function.