Configuring Graphs
Graphs can be specified using the Configuration Vocabulary in a variety of ways. Graphs can be specified as empty or they can be specified as the merge of multiple data sources.
Graphs are loaded from Configuration in the following way:
- Instantiate a Graph of the correct type as specified by the
property, optionally setting the graph name, node factory and/or URI factory. - Fill Graph with data from specified sources in the following order:
- Other Graphs
- Files
- Strings (RDF Fragments encoded as Literal Nodes)
- Datasets
- 3rd Party Triple Stores
- URIs
- Assign a specific URI as the Base URI of the Graph 1.# Apply any specified reasoners
If any of the data sources fails to load then the loading of the Graph will fail.
Basic Configuration
At it's most basic a Graph is specified as follows:
@prefix dnr: <> .
_:graph a dnr:Graph ;
dnr:type "VDS.RDF.Graph" .
With the built in loader you can specify any type which implements the IGraph
interface and has a public constructor with the following signature:
public {Type}(IRefNode name,
INodeFactory nodeFactory,
IUriFactory uriFactory,
BaseTripleCollection tripleCollection,
bool emptyNamespaceMap)
Specifying a graph name
A graph can be configured with a name as follows:
@prefix dnr: <> .
_:graph a dnr:Graph ;
dnr:type "VDS.RDF.Graph" ;
dnr:withName <> .
The value of the dnr:withName
property can be either a URI or a blank node.
Specifying the NodeFactory to use
You can configure a graph to use a specific NodeFactory instance for instantiating its nodes. This factory will be used when loading data into the graph.
@prefix dnr: <> .
_:nodeFactory a dnr:NodeFactory ;
dnr:type "VDS.RDF.NodeFactory" .
_:graph a dnr:Graph ;
dnr:type "VDS.RDF.Graph" ;
dnr:withName <> ;
dnr:usingNodeFactory _:nodeFactory .
The NodeFactory options can also be configured. See Configuring Node Factories) for more information.
Specifying the UriFactory to use
You can configure a graph to use a specific NodeFactory instance for instantiating its nodes. This factory will be used when loading data into the graph.
@prefix dnr: <> .
_:uriFactory a dnr:UriFactory ;
dnr:type "VDS.RDF.CachingUriFactory" .
_:graph a dnr:Graph ;
dnr:type "VDS.RDF.Graph" ;
dnr:withName <> ;
dnr:usingUriFactory _:uriFactory .
The UriFactory options can also be configured. See Configuring URI Factories) for more information.
Data Source Configuration
As already detailed there are multiple types of data source which you can fill a Graph with data from. Any combination of these may be used for a Graph and the resulting Graph will be the merge of all the data sources with the sources being loaded in the order specified earlier.
Other Graphs
Loading data from other graphs is specified as follows using the dnr:fromGraph
@prefix dnr: <> .
_:graph a dnr:Graph ;
dnr:type "VDS.RDF.Graph" ;
dnr:fromGraph _:otherGraph .
_:otherGraph a dnr:Graph ;
dnr:type "VDS.RDF.Graph" .
While it is possible to potentially introduce circular references by this mechanism the ConfigurationLoader
is designed such that these references are detected during the loading process and an error will be thrown.
Loading data from files is specified as shown below using the dnr:fromFile
property. File paths can either be absolute or may be relative. In the case of relative paths the resolution of the path can be controlled by introducing an IPathResolver
implementation by setting the PathResolver
property of the ConfigurationLoader
. Files are expected to be RDF graphs in formats which dotNetRDF understands.
@prefix dnr: <> .
_:graph a dnr:Graph ;
dnr:type "VDS.RDF.Graph" ;
dnr:fromFile "example.rdf" .
Strings (RDF Fragments)
You can encode the source of data for your Graph directly as a string using the dnr:fromString
property like so:
@prefix dnr: <> .
_:graph a dnr:Graph ;
dnr:type "VDS.RDF.Graph" ;
dnr:fromString """@prefix : <> .
:this :is "RDF data encoded in a Literal" . """ .
Graphs can be filled with data from named graphs held in a SPARQL dataset specified using a combination of the dnr:fromDataset
and dnr:withUri
properties. The dnr:fromDataset
property is used to point to a SPARQL Dataset (see Configuration API - SPARQL Datasets) from which data should be loaded and the dnr:withUri
property is used to specify the URI of the Graph from the dataset which should be loaded. Multiple dnr:withUri
properties may be specified to load multiple graphs from the dataset.
If you specify multiple dnr:fromDataset
properties then every URI specified with the dnr:withUri
property will be loaded from every dataset. To load different graphs from different datasets use the dnr:fromGraph
property to point to other graphs and setup those graphs to load the specific graphs from the specific databases you need.
3rd Party Triple Stores
Graphs can be filled with data from named graphs held in 3rd party triple stores using a combination of the dnr:fromStore
property and the dnr:withUri
property in an identical manner to that described above for Databases. Example configuration is as follows:
@prefix dnr: <> .
_:graph a dnr:Graph ;
dnr:type "VDS.RDF.Graph" ;
# Get the Graph with URI from the store _:store
dnr:fromStore _:store ;
dnr:withUri <> .
# Specifies a connection to a Fuseki store
_:store a dnr:StorageProvider ;
dnr:type "VDS.RDF.Storage.FusekiConnector" ;
dnr:server <http://localhost:3030/dataset> .
Graphs can be loaded from URIs using the dnr:fromUri
@prefix dnr: <> .
_:graph a dnr:Graph ;
dnr:type "VDS.RDF.Graph" ;
# Gets the Graph of DBPedia's description of Southampton
dnr:fromUri <> .
Assigning a Base URI
Since Graphs loaded in this way will either have no Base URI or have a Base URI of one of their data sources it is often useful to assign a property URI to this Graph. This URI is the URI used if the Graph is subsequently saved/loaded or otherwise manipulated. A Base URI can be assigned using the dnr:assignUri
property like so:
@prefix dnr: <> .
_:graph a dnr:Graph ;
dnr:type "VDS.RDF.Graph" ;
dnr:assignUri <> .
Applying Reasoners
You can also apply reasoners to Graphs loaded in this way with the triples that the reasoner produces being materialised in the Graph. To learn how to configure a reasoner see Configuration API - Reasoners.
Linking a reasoner to a Graph is as easy as using the dnr:reasoner
property as the following example in which an RDF Schema reasoner is applied to the Graph.
@prefix dnr: <> .
_:graph a dnr:Graph ;
dnr:type "VDS.RDF.Graph" ;
dnr:reasoner _:rdfs .
_:rdfs a dnr:Reasoner ;
dnr:type "VDS.RDF.Query.Inference.RdfsReasoner" .