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ConfigurationLoaderResolveAppSetting Method

Attempts to resolve special <appsettings> URIs into actual values.

Namespace:  VDS.RDF.Configuration
Assembly:  dotNetRDF (in dotNetRDF.dll) Version:
public static INode ResolveAppSetting(
	IGraph g,
	INode n


Type: VDS.RDFIGraph
Type: VDS.RDFINode

Return Value

Type: INode

[Missing <returns> documentation for "M:VDS.RDF.Configuration.ConfigurationLoader.ResolveAppSetting(VDS.RDF.IGraph,VDS.RDF.INode)"]


These special URIs have the form <appsetting:Key> where Key is the key for an appSetting in your applications configuration file. When used these URIs are resolved at load time into the actual values from your configuration file. This allows you to avoid spreading configuration data over multiple files since you can specify things like connection settings in the Application Config file and then simply reference them in the dotNetRDF configuration file.

Warning: This feature is not supported in the Silverlight build.

See Also