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BaseTripleStore Methods

The BaseTripleStore type exposes the following members.

Public methodAdd(IGraph)
Adds a Graph into the Triple Store.
Public methodAdd(IGraph, Boolean)
Adds a Graph into the Triple Store using the chosen Merging Behaviour.
Public methodAddFromUri(Uri)
Adds a Graph into the Triple Store which is retrieved from the given Uri.
Public methodAddFromUri(Uri, Boolean)
Adds a Graph into the Triple Store which is retrieved from the given Uri using the chosen Merging Behaviour.
Protected methodAttachEventHandlers
Helper method which attaches the Triple Store's Event Handlers to the relevant events of a Graph.
Protected methodDetachEventHandlers
Helper method which detaches the Triple Store's Event Handlers from the relevant events of a Graph.
Public methodDispose
Disposes of the Triple Store.
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodFinalize
Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodHasGraph
Checks whether a Graph with the given Base Uri exists in the Triple Store.
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodOnGraphAdded
Event Handler which handles the Graph Added event from the underlying Graph Collection and raises the Triple Store's Graph Added event.
Protected methodOnGraphChanged
Event Handler which handles the Changed event of the contained Graphs by raising the Triple Store's Graph Changed event.
Protected methodOnGraphCleared
Event Handler which handles the Cleared event of the contained Graphs by raising the Triple Stores's Graph Cleared event.
Protected methodOnGraphMerged
Event Handler which handles the Merged event of the contained Graphs by raising the Triple Store's Graph Merged event.
Protected methodOnGraphRemoved
Event Handler which handles the Graph Removed event from the underlying Graph Collection and raises the Triple Stores's Graph Removed event.
Protected methodRaiseGraphAdded(GraphEventArgs)
Helper method for raising the Graph Added event manually.
Protected methodRaiseGraphAdded(IGraph)
Helper method for raising the Graph Added event manually.
Protected methodRaiseGraphChanged(GraphEventArgs)
Helper method for raising the Graph Changed event manually.
Protected methodRaiseGraphChanged(IGraph)
Helper method for raising the Graph Changed event manually.
Protected methodRaiseGraphCleared
Helper method for raising the Graph Cleared event manually.
Protected methodRaiseGraphMerged
Helper method for raising the Graph Merged event manually.
Protected methodRaiseGraphRemoved(GraphEventArgs)
Helper method for raising the Graph Removed event manually.
Protected methodRaiseGraphRemoved(IGraph)
Helper method for raising the Graph Removed event manually.
Public methodRemove
Removes a Graph from the Triple Store.
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Extension Methods
Public Extension MethodLoadFromEmbeddedResource(String)Overloaded.
Loads an RDF dataset from an Embedded Resource into a Triple Store.
(Defined by TripleStoreExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodLoadFromEmbeddedResource(String, IStoreReader)Overloaded.
Loads an RDF dataset from an Embedded Resource into a Triple Store.
(Defined by TripleStoreExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodLoadFromFile(String)Overloaded.
Loads an RDF dataset from a file into a Triple Store.
(Defined by TripleStoreExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodLoadFromFile(String, IStoreReader)Overloaded.
Loads an RDF dataset from a file into a Triple Store.
(Defined by TripleStoreExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodLoadFromString(String)Overloaded.
Loads an RDF dataset from a String into a Triple Store.
(Defined by TripleStoreExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodLoadFromString(String, IStoreReader)Overloaded.
Loads an RDF dataset from a String into a Triple Store.
(Defined by TripleStoreExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodLoadFromUri(Uri)Overloaded.
Loads an RDF dataset from a URI into a Triple Store.
(Defined by TripleStoreExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodLoadFromUri(Uri, IStoreReader)Overloaded.
Loads an RDF dataset from a URI into a Triple Store.
(Defined by TripleStoreExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodSaveToFile(String)Overloaded.
Saves a Triple Store to a file.
(Defined by TripleStoreExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodSaveToFile(String, IStoreWriter)Overloaded.
Saves a Triple Store to a file.
(Defined by TripleStoreExtensions.)
See Also