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IInMemoryQueryableStore Methods

The IInMemoryQueryableStore type exposes the following members.

Public methodAdd(IGraph)
Adds a Graph into the Triple Store.
(Inherited from ITripleStore.)
Public methodAdd(IGraph, Boolean)
Adds a Graph into the Triple Store.
(Inherited from ITripleStore.)
Public methodAddFromUri(Uri)
Adds a Graph into the Triple Store by dereferencing the Graph Uri to get the RDF and then load the resulting Graph into the Triple Store.
(Inherited from ITripleStore.)
Public methodAddFromUri(Uri, Boolean)
Adds a Graph into the Triple Store by dereferencing the Graph Uri to get the RDF and then load the resulting Graph into the Triple Store.
(Inherited from ITripleStore.)
Public methodContains
Returns whether a given Triple is contained anywhere in the Query Triples.
Public methodDispose
Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources.
(Inherited from IDisposable.)
Public methodExecuteQuery(String) Obsolete.
Executes a SPARQL Query on the Triple Store.
Public methodExecuteQuery(SparqlQuery) Obsolete.
Executes a SPARQL Query on the Triple Store.
Public methodExecuteQuery(IRdfHandler, ISparqlResultsHandler, String) Obsolete.
Executes a SPARQL Query on the Triple Store processing the results with an appropriate handler from those provided.
Public methodExecuteQuery(IRdfHandler, ISparqlResultsHandler, SparqlQuery) Obsolete.
Executes a SPARQL Query on the Triple Store processing the results with an appropriate handler from those provided.
Public methodGetTriples(Uri)
Selects all Triples which have a Uri Node with the given Uri from all the Query Triples.
Public methodGetTriples(INode)
Selects all Triples which contain the given Node from all the Query Triples.
Public methodGetTriples(ListUri, Uri)
Selects all Triples which have a Uri Node with the given Uri from a Subset of Graphs in the Triple Store.
Public methodGetTriples(ListUri, INode)
Selects all Triples which contain the given Node from a Subset of Graphs in the Triple Store.
Public methodGetTriplesWithObject(Uri)
Selects all Triples where the Object is a Uri Node with the given Uri from all the Query Triples.
Public methodGetTriplesWithObject(INode)
Selects all Triples where the Object is a given Node from all the Query Triples.
Public methodGetTriplesWithObject(ListUri, Uri)
Selects all Triples where the Object is a Uri Node with the given Uri from a Subset of Graphs in the Triple Store.
Public methodGetTriplesWithObject(ListUri, INode)
Selects all Triples where the Object is a given Node from a Subset of Graphs in the Triple Store.
Public methodGetTriplesWithPredicate(Uri)
Selects all Triples where the Predicate is a Uri Node with the given Uri from all the Query Triples.
Public methodGetTriplesWithPredicate(INode)
Selects all Triples where the Predicate is a given Node from all the Query Triples.
Public methodGetTriplesWithPredicate(ListUri, Uri)
Selects all Triples where the Predicate is a Uri Node with the given Uri from a Subset of Graphs in the Triple Store.
Public methodGetTriplesWithPredicate(ListUri, INode)
Selects all Triples where the Predicate is a given Node from a Subset of Graphs in the Triple Store.
Public methodGetTriplesWithPredicateObject
Selects all the Triples with the given Predicate-Object pair from all the Query Triples.
Public methodGetTriplesWithSubject(Uri)
Selects all Triples where the Subject is a Uri Node with the given Uri from all the Query Triples.
Public methodGetTriplesWithSubject(INode)
Selects all Triples where the Subject is a given Node from all the Query Triples.
Public methodGetTriplesWithSubject(ListUri, Uri)
Selects all Triples where the Subject is a Uri Node with the given Uri from a Subset of Graphs in the Triple Store.
Public methodGetTriplesWithSubject(ListUri, INode)
Selects all Triples where the Subject is a given Node from a Subset of Graphs in the Triple Store.
Public methodGetTriplesWithSubjectObject
Selects all the Triples with the given Subject-Object pair from all the Query Triples.
Public methodGetTriplesWithSubjectPredicate
Selects all the Triples with the given Subject-Predicate pair from all the Query Triples.
Public methodHasGraph
Checks whether the Graph with the given Uri is in this Triple Store.
(Inherited from ITripleStore.)
Public methodRemove
Removes a Graph from the Triple Store.
(Inherited from ITripleStore.)
Extension Methods
Public Extension MethodLoadFromEmbeddedResource(String)Overloaded.
Loads an RDF dataset from an Embedded Resource into a Triple Store.
(Defined by TripleStoreExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodLoadFromEmbeddedResource(String, IStoreReader)Overloaded.
Loads an RDF dataset from an Embedded Resource into a Triple Store.
(Defined by TripleStoreExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodLoadFromFile(String)Overloaded.
Loads an RDF dataset from a file into a Triple Store.
(Defined by TripleStoreExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodLoadFromFile(String, IStoreReader)Overloaded.
Loads an RDF dataset from a file into a Triple Store.
(Defined by TripleStoreExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodLoadFromString(String)Overloaded.
Loads an RDF dataset from a String into a Triple Store.
(Defined by TripleStoreExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodLoadFromString(String, IStoreReader)Overloaded.
Loads an RDF dataset from a String into a Triple Store.
(Defined by TripleStoreExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodLoadFromUri(Uri)Overloaded.
Loads an RDF dataset from a URI into a Triple Store.
(Defined by TripleStoreExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodLoadFromUri(Uri, IStoreReader)Overloaded.
Loads an RDF dataset from a URI into a Triple Store.
(Defined by TripleStoreExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodSaveToFile(String)Overloaded.
Saves a Triple Store to a file.
(Defined by TripleStoreExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodSaveToFile(String, IStoreWriter)Overloaded.
Saves a Triple Store to a file.
(Defined by TripleStoreExtensions.)
See Also