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SparqlQuery Methods

The SparqlQuery type exposes the following members.

Public methodAddDefaultGraph
Adds a Default Graph URI.
Public methodAddNamedGraph
Adds a Named Graph URI.
Public methodClearDefaultGraphs
Removes all Default Graph URIs.
Public methodClearNamedGraphs
Removes all Named Graph URIs.
Public methodCopy
Creates a copy of the query.
Public methodCreateBlankNode
Creates a Blank Node with a new automatically generated ID.
(Inherited from NodeFactory.)
Public methodCreateBlankNode(String)
Creates a Blank Node with the given Node ID.
(Inherited from NodeFactory.)
Public methodCreateGraphLiteralNode
Creates a Graph Literal Node which represents the empty Subgraph.
(Inherited from NodeFactory.)
Public methodCreateGraphLiteralNode(IGraph)
Creates a Graph Literal Node which represents the given Subgraph.
(Inherited from NodeFactory.)
Public methodCreateLiteralNode(String)
Creates a Literal Node with the given Value.
(Inherited from NodeFactory.)
Public methodCreateLiteralNode(String, String)
Creates a Literal Node with the given Value and Language.
(Inherited from NodeFactory.)
Public methodCreateLiteralNode(String, Uri)
Creates a Literal Node with the given Value and Data Type.
(Inherited from NodeFactory.)
Public methodCreateUriNode
Creates a URI Node for the given URI.
(Inherited from NodeFactory.)
Public methodCreateVariableNode
Creates a Variable Node for the given Variable Name.
(Inherited from NodeFactory.)
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodEvaluate(IInMemoryQueryableStore) Obsolete.
Evaluates the SPARQL Query against the given Triple Store.
Public methodEvaluate(ISparqlDataset) Obsolete.
Evaluates the SPARQL Query against the given Dataset.
Public methodEvaluate(IRdfHandler, ISparqlResultsHandler, IInMemoryQueryableStore) Obsolete.
Evaluates the SPARQL Query against the given Triple Store processing the results with the appropriate handler from those provided.
Public methodEvaluate(IRdfHandler, ISparqlResultsHandler, ISparqlDataset) Obsolete.
Evaluates the SPARQL Query against the given Dataset processing the results with an appropriate handler form those provided.
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetNextBlankNodeID
Creates a new unused Blank Node ID and returns it.
(Inherited from NodeFactory.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodOptimise
Applies optimisation to a Query using the default global optimiser.
Public methodOptimise(IQueryOptimiser)
Applies optimisation to a Query using the specific optimiser.
Public methodProcess
Processes the Query using the given Query Processor.
Public methodToAlgebra
Converts the Query into it's SPARQL Algebra representation (as represented in the Leviathan API).
Public methodToString
Generates a String representation of the Query.
(Overrides ObjectToString.)
See Also