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IVirtualRdfProviderTNodeID, TGraphID Methods

The IVirtualRdfProviderTNodeID, TGraphID generic type exposes the following members.

Public methodGetBlankNodeID(IBlankNode)
Given a Blank Node returns a Graph scoped Node ID.
Public methodGetBlankNodeID(IBlankNode, Boolean)
Given a Blank Node returns a Graph scoped Node ID.
Public methodGetGraphID(Uri)
Gets the Graph ID for a Graph URI.
Public methodGetGraphID(IGraph)
Gets the Graph ID for a Graph.
Public methodGetGraphID(Uri, Boolean)
Gets the Graph ID for a Graph URI.
Public methodGetGraphID(IGraph, Boolean)
Gets the Graph ID for a Graph creating it if necessary.
Public methodGetGraphUri
Given a Graph ID returns the value of the Graph URI.
Public methodGetID(INode)
Given a non-blank Node returns the Node ID.
Public methodGetID(INode, Boolean)
Given a non-blank Node returns the Node ID.
Public methodGetValue
Given a Node ID returns the materialised value in the given Graph.
Public methodLoadGraphVirtual
Loads a Graph creating all the Triples with virtual node values.
See Also