VDS.RDF.Parsing.Tokens Namespace |
Namespace for Token classes which are used to support Token Based parsing of RDF syntaxes.
Class | Description | |
AbsKeywordToken |
Token which represents the SPARQL ABS Keyword.
| |
AddKeywordToken |
Token which represents the SPARQL Update ADD Keyword.
| |
AllKeywordToken |
Token which represents the SPARQL ALL Keyword.
| |
AllToken |
Token which represents the use of the * character to mean All.
| |
AndToken |
Token which represents Logical And.
| |
AscKeywordToken |
Token which represents the SPARQL ASC Keyword.
| |
AsKeywordToken |
Token which represents the SPARQL AS Keyword.
| |
AskKeywordToken |
Token which represents the SPARQL ASK Keyword.
| |
AssignmentToken |
Token which reprsents the := Assignment Operator.
| |
AsynchronousBufferedTokenQueue |
An Asynchronous version of BufferedTokenQueue which automatically Buffers as many Tokens as possible in a Background thread.
| |
ATToken |
Token which represents the @ Character.
| |
AvgKeywordToken |
Token which represents the SPARQL AVG Keyword.
| |
BaseDirectiveToken |
Token which represents a Base Directive.
| |
BaseToken |
Base Implementation of IToken used by all derived tokens for ease of implementation.
| |
BaseTokeniser |
Abstract Base Class for Tokeniser which handles the Position tracking.
| |
BaseTokenQueue |
Abstract base implementation of a Token Queue.
| |
BindingsKeywordToken |
Token which represents the SPARQL BINDINGS Keyword.
| |
BindKeywordToken |
Token which represents the SPARQL BIND Keyword.
| |
BitwiseOrToken |
Token which represents the | Character.
| |
BlankNodeCollectionToken |
Token which represents Blank Node Collections.
| |
BlankNodeToken |
Token which represents anonymous Blank Nodes.
| |
BlankNodeWithIDToken |
Token which represents named Blank Nodes.
| |
BNodeKeywordToken |
Token which represents the SPARQL BNODE Keyword.
| |
BOFToken |
Token which represents the Start of the Input.
| |
BoundKeywordToken |
Token which represents the SPARQL BOUND Keyword.
| |
BufferedTokenQueue |
A Buffered Queue for a Tokeniser which synchronously buffers a number of Tokens when the Queue is accessed and nothing is Buffered.
| |
CallKeywordToken |
Token which represents the SPARQL CALL Keyword.
| |
CeilKeywordToken |
Token which represents the SPARQL CEIL Keyword.
| |
ClearKeywordToken |
Token which represents the SPARQL Update CLEAR Keyword.
| |
CoalesceKeywordToken |
Token which represents the SPARQL COALESCE Keyword.
| |
CommaToken |
Token which represents the , Character.
| |
CommentToken |
Token which represents Comments.
| |
ConcatKeywordToken |
Token which represents the SPARQL CONCAT Keyword.
| |
ConstructKeywordToken |
Token which represents the SPARQL CONSTRUCT Keyword.
| |
CopyKeywordToken |
Token which represents the SPARQL Update COPY Keyword.
| |
CountKeywordToken |
Token which represents the SPARQL COUNT Keyword.
| |
CreateKeywordToken |
Token which represents the SPARQL Update CREATE Keyword.
| |
CsvTokeniser |
Tokeniser for tokenising CSV inputs.
| |
CustomKeywordDefinitionToken |
Token representing the definition of a Custom Keyword.
| |
CustomKeywordToken |
Token representing the use of a Custom Keyword.
| |
DataKeywordToken |
Token which represents the SPARQL Update DATA Keyword.
| |
DataTypeKeywordToken |
Token which represents the SPARQL DATATYPE Keyword.
| |
DataTypeToken |
Token which represents the Data Type for a Literal.
| |
DayKeywordToken |
Token which represents the SPARQL DAY Keyword.
| |
DefaultKeywordToken |
Token which represents the SPARQL Update DEFAULT Keyword.
| |
DeleteKeywordToken |
Token which represents the SPARQL Update DELETE Keyword.
| |
DescKeywordToken |
Token which represents the SPARQL DESC Keyword.
| |
DescribeKeywordToken |
Token which represents the SPARQL DESCRIBE Keyword.
| |
DistinctKeywordToken |
Token which represents the SPARQL DISTINCT Keyword.
| |
DivideToken |
Token which represents Mathematical Divide.
| |
DotToken |
Token which represents the . Character.
| |
DropKeywordToken |
Token which represents the SPARQL Update DROP Keyword.
| |
EncodeForUriKeywordToken |
Token which represents the SPARQL ENCODE_FOR_URI Keyword.
| |
EOFToken |
Token which represents the End of the Input.
| |
EOLToken |
Token which represents the End of a Line.
| |
EqualityToken |
Token representing the '=' equality Syntax.
| |
ExclamationToken |
Token which represents the ! Character used for Forward Path Traversal in some RDF Syntaxes.
| |
ExistsKeywordToken |
Token which represents the SPARQL EXISTS Keyword.
| |
FilterKeywordToken |
Token which represents the SPARQL FILTER Keyword.
| |
FloorKeywordToken |
Token which represents the SPARQL FLOOR Keyword.
| |
ForAllQuantifierToken |
Token which represents a For All Quantifier.
| |
ForSomeQuantifierToken |
Token which represents a For Some Quantifier.
| |
FromKeywordToken |
Token which represents the SPARQL FROM Keyword.
| |
FromNamedKeywordToken |
Token which represents the SPARQL FROM NAMED Keyword combination.
| |
GraphKeywordToken |
Token which represents the SPARQL GRAPH Keyword.
| |
GraphLiteralToken |
Token which represents Graph Literals.
| |
GreaterThanOrEqualToToken |
Token which represents Greater Than or Equal To.
| |
GreaterThanToken |
Token which represents Relational Greater Than.
| |
GroupByKeywordToken |
Token which represents the SPARQL GROUP BY Keyword.
| |
GroupConcatKeywordToken |
Token which represents the SPARQL GROUP_CONCAT Keyword.
| |
HashToken |
Token which represents the # Character.
| |
HatHatToken |
Token which represents the ^^ sequence used for Data Type specification in some RDF Syntaxes.
| |
HatToken |
Token which represents the ^ Character used for Reverse Path Traversal in somme RDF Syntaxes.
| |
HavingKeywordToken |
Token which represents the SPARQL HAVING Keyword.
| |
HoursKeywordToken |
Token which represents the SPARQL HOURS Keyword.
| |
IfKeywordToken |
Token which represents the SPARQL IF Keyword.
| |
ImpliedByToken |
Token representing the '>=' implied by Syntax.
| |
ImpliesToken |
Token representing the '=>' implies Syntax.
| |
InKeywordToken |
Token which represents the SPARQL IN Keyword.
| |
InsertKeywordToken |
Token which represents the SPARQL Update INSERT Keyword.
| |
IntoKeywordToken |
Token which represents the SPARQL Update INTO Keyword.
| |
IriKeywordToken |
Token which represents the SPARQL IRI Keyword.
| |
IsBlankKeywordToken |
Token which represents the SPARQL ISBLANK Keyword.
| |
IsIriKeywordToken |
Token which represents the SPARQL ISIRI Keyword.
| |
IsLiteralKeywordToken |
Token which represents the SPARQL ISLITERAL Keyword.
| |
IsNumericKeywordToken |
Token which represents the SPARQL ISNUMERIC Keyword.
| |
IsUriKeywordToken |
Token which represents the SPARQL ISURI Keyword.
| |
KeywordAToken |
Token representing the 'a' Keyword.
| |
KeywordDirectiveToken |
Token which represents a Keyword Directive.
| |
KeywordIsToken |
Token representing the 'is' Keyword.
| |
KeywordOfToken |
Token representing the 'of' Keyword.
| |
LangKeywordToken |
Token which represents the SPARQL LANG Keyword.
| |
LangMatchesKeywordToken |
Token which represents the SPARQL LANGMATCHES Keyword.
| |
LanguageSpecifierToken |
Token which represents the Language Specifier for a Literal.
| |
LCaseKeywordToken |
Token which represents the SPARQL LCASE Keyword.
| |
LeftBracketToken |
Token which represents the ( Character.
| |
LeftCurlyBracketToken |
Token which represents the { Character.
| |
LeftSquareBracketToken |
Token which represents the [ Character.
| |
LengthKeywordToken |
Token which represents the SPARQL LENGTH Keyword.
| |
LessThanOrEqualToToken |
Token which represents Relational Less Than or Equal To.
| |
LessThanToken |
Token which represents Relational Less Than.
| |
LetKeywordToken |
Token which represents the SPARQL LET Keyword.
| |
LimitKeywordToken |
Token which represents the SPARQL LIMIT Keyword.
| |
LiteralToken |
Token which represents Literals.
| |
LiteralWithDataTypeToken |
Token which represents Literals with Data Types.
| |
LiteralWithLanguageSpecifierToken |
Token which represents Literals with Language Specifiers.
| |
LoadKeywordToken |
Token which represents the SPARQL Update LOAD Keyword.
| |
LongLiteralToken |
Token which represents Long Literals (allows multi-line values).
| |
MaxKeywordToken |
Token which represents the SPARQL MAX Keyword.
| |
MD5KeywordToken |
Token which represents the SPARQL MD5 Keyword.
| |
MedianKeywordToken |
Token which represents the SPARQL MEDIAN Keyword.
| |
MinKeywordToken |
Token which represents the SPARQL MIN Keyword.
| |
MinusKeywordToken |
Token which represents the SPARQL MINUS Keyword.
| |
MinusToken |
Token which represents Mathematical Minus.
| |
MinutesKeywordToken |
Token which represents the SPARQL MINUTES Keyword.
| |
ModeKeywordToken |
Token which represents the SPARQL MODE Keyword.
| |
MonthKeywordToken |
Token which represents the SPARQL MONTH Keyword.
| |
MoveKeywordToken |
Token which represents the SPARQL Update MOVE Keyword.
| |
MultiplyToken |
Token which represents Mathematical Multiply.
| |
NamedKeywordToken |
Token which represents the SPARQL NAMED Keyword.
| |
NegationToken |
Token which represents Logical Negation.
| |
NonTokenisedTokenQueue |
Token Queue which is not backed by a Tokeniser.
| |
Notation3Tokeniser |
A Class for Reading an Input Stream and generating Notation 3 Tokens from it.
| |
NotEqualsToken |
Token which represents Logical Not Equals.
| |
NotExistsKeywordToken |
Token which represents the SPARQL NOT EXISTS Keyword.
| |
NotInKeywordToken |
Token which represents the SPARQL NOT IN Keyword.
| |
NowKeywordToken |
Token which represents the SPARQL NOW Keyword.
| |
NTriplesTokeniser |
Tokeniser for NTriples RDF Syntax.
| |
NumericMaxKeywordToken |
Token which represents the SPARQL NMAX Keyword.
| |
NumericMinKeywordToken |
Token which represents the SPARQL NMIN Keyword.
| |
OffsetKeywordToken |
Token which represents the SPARQL OFFSET Keyword.
| |
OptionalKeywordToken |
Token which represents the SPARQL OPTIONAL Keyword.
| |
OrderByKeywordToken |
Token which represents the SPARQL ORDER BY Keyword combination.
| |
OrToken |
Token which represents Logical Or.
| |
PathToken |
Special Token which acts as a Placeholder for SPARQL Property Paths.
| |
PlainLiteralToken |
Token which represents Plain (Unquoted) Literals.
| |
PlusToken |
Token which represents Mathematical Plus.
| |
PrefixDirectiveToken |
Token which represents a Prefix Directive.
| |
PrefixToken |
Token which represents the Prefix specified after a Prefix Directive.
| |
QNameToken |
Token which represents QNames.
| |
QuestionToken |
Token which represents the ? Character.
| |
RandKeywordToken |
Token which represents the SPARQL RAND Keyword.
| |
ReducedKeywordToken |
Token which represents the SPARQL REDUCED Keyword.
| |
RegexKeywordToken |
Token which represents the SPARQL REGEX Keyword.
| |
ReplaceKeywordToken |
Token which represents the SPARQL REPLACE Keyword.
| |
RightBracketToken |
Token which represents the ) Character.
| |
RightCurlyBracketToken |
Token which represents the } Character.
| |
RightSquareBracketToken |
Token which represents the ] Character.
| |
RoundKeywordToken |
Token which represents the SPARQL ROUND Keyword.
| |
SameTermKeywordToken |
Token which represents the SPARQL SAMETERM Keyword.
| |
SampleKeywordToken |
Token which represents the SPARQL SAMPLE Keyword.
| |
SecondsKeywordToken |
Token which represents the SPARQL SECONDS Keyword.
| |
SelectKeywordToken |
Token which represents the SPARQL SELECT Keyword.
| |
SemicolonToken |
Token which represents the ; Character.
| |
SeparatorKeywordToken |
Token which represents the SPARQL SEPARATOR Keyword.
| |
ServiceKeywordToken |
Token which represents the SPARQL SERVICE Keyword.
| |
Sha1KeywordToken |
Token which represents the SPARQL SHA1 Keyword.
| |
Sha224KeywordToken |
Token which represents the SPARQL SHA224 Keyword.
| |
Sha256KeywordToken |
Token which represents the SPARQL SHA256 Keyword.
| |
Sha384KeywordToken |
Token which represents the SPARQL SHA384 Keyword.
| |
Sha512KeywordToken |
Token which represents the SPARQL SHA512 Keyword.
| |
SilentKeywordToken |
Token which represents the SPARQL Update SILENT Keyword.
| |
SparqlTokeniser |
A Class for Reading an Input Stream and generating SPARQL Tokens.
| |
StrAfterKeywordToken |
Token which represents the SPARQL STRAFTER Keyword.
| |
StrBeforeKeywordToken |
Token which represents the SPARQL STRBEFORE Keyword.
| |
StrContainsKeywordToken |
Token which represents the SPARQL CONTAINS Keyword.
| |
StrDtKeywordToken |
Token which represents the SPARQL STRDT Keyword.
| |
StrEndsKeywordToken |
Token which represents the SPARQL STRENDS Keyword.
| |
StrKeywordToken |
Token which represents the SPARQL STR Keyword.
| |
StrLangKeywordToken |
Token which represents the SPARQL STRLANG Keyword.
| |
StrLenKeywordToken |
Token which represents the SPARQL STRLEN Keyword.
| |
StrStartsKeywordToken |
Token which represents the SPARQL STRSTARTS Keyword.
| |
StrUUIDKeywordToken |
Token which represents the SPARQL STRUUID Keyword.
| |
SubStrKeywordToken |
Token which represents the SPARQL SUBSTR Keyword.
| |
SumKeywordToken |
Token which represents the SPARQL SUM Keyword.
| |
TabToken |
Tokens which represents the tab character.
| |
TimezoneKeywordToken |
Token which represents the SPARQL TIMEZONE Keyword.
| |
Token |
Static Class which defines the Integer Constants used for Token Types.
| |
TokenQueue |
Basic Token Queue which provides no Buffering except in the sense that it queues all possible Tokens when the InitialiseBuffer method is called.
| |
ToKeywordToken |
Token which represents the SPARQL Update TO Keyword.
| |
TriGTokeniser |
Tokeniser for TriG (Turtle with Named Graphs) RDF Syntax.
| |
TsvTokeniser |
Tokeniser for tokenising TSV inputs.
| |
TurtleTokeniser |
A Class for Reading an Input Stream and generating Turtle Tokens from it.
| |
TZKeywordToken |
Token which represents the SPARQL TZ Keyword.
| |
UCaseKeywordToken |
Token which represents the SPARQL UCASE Keyword.
| |
UndefKeywordToken |
Token which represents the SPARQL UNDEF Keyword.
| |
UnderscoreToken |
Token which repreents the _ Character.
| |
UnionKeywordToken |
Token which represents the SPARQL UNION Keyword.
| |
UnsaidKeywordToken |
Token which represents the SPARQL UNSAID Keyword.
| |
UriKeywordToken |
Token which represents the SPARQL URI Keyword.
| |
UriToken |
Token which represents URIs.
| |
UsingKeywordToken |
Token which represents the SPARQL Update USING Keyword.
| |
UUIDKeywordToken |
Token which represents the SPARQL UUID Keyword.
| |
ValuesKeywordToken |
Token which represents the SPARQL VALUES Keyword.
| |
VariableToken |
Token representing Variables.
| |
WhereKeywordToken |
Token which represents the SPARQL WHERE Keyword.
| |
WithKeywordToken |
Token which represents the SPARQL Update WITH Keyword.
| |
YearKeywordToken |
Token which represents the SPARQL YEAR Keyword.
Interface | Description | |
IToken |
Interface for defining Token classes to be used in Parsing RDF.
| |
ITokeniser |
Interface for Tokenisers.
| |
ITokenQueue |
Interface for implementing Token Queues which provide Bufferable wrappers to Tokenisers.
Enumeration | Description | |
TokeniserEscapeMode |
Possible Escape Handling Modes for the Tokeniser.
| |
TokenQueueMode |
Token Queue Mode Constants.