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VDS.RDF.Parsing.Tokens Namespace

Namespace for Token classes which are used to support Token Based parsing of RDF syntaxes.

Public classAbsKeywordToken
Token which represents the SPARQL ABS Keyword.
Public classAddKeywordToken
Token which represents the SPARQL Update ADD Keyword.
Public classAllKeywordToken
Token which represents the SPARQL ALL Keyword.
Public classAllToken
Token which represents the use of the * character to mean All.
Public classAndToken
Token which represents Logical And.
Public classAscKeywordToken
Token which represents the SPARQL ASC Keyword.
Public classAsKeywordToken
Token which represents the SPARQL AS Keyword.
Public classAskKeywordToken
Token which represents the SPARQL ASK Keyword.
Public classAssignmentToken
Token which reprsents the := Assignment Operator.
Public classAsynchronousBufferedTokenQueue
An Asynchronous version of BufferedTokenQueue which automatically Buffers as many Tokens as possible in a Background thread.
Public classATToken
Token which represents the @ Character.
Public classAvgKeywordToken
Token which represents the SPARQL AVG Keyword.
Public classBaseDirectiveToken
Token which represents a Base Directive.
Public classBaseToken
Base Implementation of IToken used by all derived tokens for ease of implementation.
Public classBaseTokeniser
Abstract Base Class for Tokeniser which handles the Position tracking.
Public classBaseTokenQueue
Abstract base implementation of a Token Queue.
Public classBindingsKeywordToken
Token which represents the SPARQL BINDINGS Keyword.
Public classBindKeywordToken
Token which represents the SPARQL BIND Keyword.
Public classBitwiseOrToken
Token which represents the | Character.
Public classBlankNodeCollectionToken
Token which represents Blank Node Collections.
Public classBlankNodeToken
Token which represents anonymous Blank Nodes.
Public classBlankNodeWithIDToken
Token which represents named Blank Nodes.
Public classBNodeKeywordToken
Token which represents the SPARQL BNODE Keyword.
Public classBOFToken
Token which represents the Start of the Input.
Public classBoundKeywordToken
Token which represents the SPARQL BOUND Keyword.
Public classBufferedTokenQueue
A Buffered Queue for a Tokeniser which synchronously buffers a number of Tokens when the Queue is accessed and nothing is Buffered.
Public classCallKeywordToken
Token which represents the SPARQL CALL Keyword.
Public classCeilKeywordToken
Token which represents the SPARQL CEIL Keyword.
Public classClearKeywordToken
Token which represents the SPARQL Update CLEAR Keyword.
Public classCoalesceKeywordToken
Token which represents the SPARQL COALESCE Keyword.
Public classCommaToken
Token which represents the , Character.
Public classCommentToken
Token which represents Comments.
Public classConcatKeywordToken
Token which represents the SPARQL CONCAT Keyword.
Public classConstructKeywordToken
Token which represents the SPARQL CONSTRUCT Keyword.
Public classCopyKeywordToken
Token which represents the SPARQL Update COPY Keyword.
Public classCountKeywordToken
Token which represents the SPARQL COUNT Keyword.
Public classCreateKeywordToken
Token which represents the SPARQL Update CREATE Keyword.
Public classCsvTokeniser
Tokeniser for tokenising CSV inputs.
Public classCustomKeywordDefinitionToken
Token representing the definition of a Custom Keyword.
Public classCustomKeywordToken
Token representing the use of a Custom Keyword.
Public classDataKeywordToken
Token which represents the SPARQL Update DATA Keyword.
Public classDataTypeKeywordToken
Token which represents the SPARQL DATATYPE Keyword.
Public classDataTypeToken
Token which represents the Data Type for a Literal.
Public classDayKeywordToken
Token which represents the SPARQL DAY Keyword.
Public classDefaultKeywordToken
Token which represents the SPARQL Update DEFAULT Keyword.
Public classDeleteKeywordToken
Token which represents the SPARQL Update DELETE Keyword.
Public classDescKeywordToken
Token which represents the SPARQL DESC Keyword.
Public classDescribeKeywordToken
Token which represents the SPARQL DESCRIBE Keyword.
Public classDistinctKeywordToken
Token which represents the SPARQL DISTINCT Keyword.
Public classDivideToken
Token which represents Mathematical Divide.
Public classDotToken
Token which represents the . Character.
Public classDropKeywordToken
Token which represents the SPARQL Update DROP Keyword.
Public classEncodeForUriKeywordToken
Token which represents the SPARQL ENCODE_FOR_URI Keyword.
Public classEOFToken
Token which represents the End of the Input.
Public classEOLToken
Token which represents the End of a Line.
Public classEqualityToken
Token representing the '=' equality Syntax.
Public classExclamationToken
Token which represents the ! Character used for Forward Path Traversal in some RDF Syntaxes.
Public classExistsKeywordToken
Token which represents the SPARQL EXISTS Keyword.
Public classFilterKeywordToken
Token which represents the SPARQL FILTER Keyword.
Public classFloorKeywordToken
Token which represents the SPARQL FLOOR Keyword.
Public classForAllQuantifierToken
Token which represents a For All Quantifier.
Public classForSomeQuantifierToken
Token which represents a For Some Quantifier.
Public classFromKeywordToken
Token which represents the SPARQL FROM Keyword.
Public classFromNamedKeywordToken
Token which represents the SPARQL FROM NAMED Keyword combination.
Public classGraphKeywordToken
Token which represents the SPARQL GRAPH Keyword.
Public classGraphLiteralToken
Token which represents Graph Literals.
Public classGreaterThanOrEqualToToken
Token which represents Greater Than or Equal To.
Public classGreaterThanToken
Token which represents Relational Greater Than.
Public classGroupByKeywordToken
Token which represents the SPARQL GROUP BY Keyword.
Public classGroupConcatKeywordToken
Token which represents the SPARQL GROUP_CONCAT Keyword.
Public classHashToken
Token which represents the # Character.
Public classHatHatToken
Token which represents the ^^ sequence used for Data Type specification in some RDF Syntaxes.
Public classHatToken
Token which represents the ^ Character used for Reverse Path Traversal in somme RDF Syntaxes.
Public classHavingKeywordToken
Token which represents the SPARQL HAVING Keyword.
Public classHoursKeywordToken
Token which represents the SPARQL HOURS Keyword.
Public classIfKeywordToken
Token which represents the SPARQL IF Keyword.
Public classImpliedByToken
Token representing the '>=' implied by Syntax.
Public classImpliesToken
Token representing the '=>' implies Syntax.
Public classInKeywordToken
Token which represents the SPARQL IN Keyword.
Public classInsertKeywordToken
Token which represents the SPARQL Update INSERT Keyword.
Public classIntoKeywordToken
Token which represents the SPARQL Update INTO Keyword.
Public classIriKeywordToken
Token which represents the SPARQL IRI Keyword.
Public classIsBlankKeywordToken
Token which represents the SPARQL ISBLANK Keyword.
Public classIsIriKeywordToken
Token which represents the SPARQL ISIRI Keyword.
Public classIsLiteralKeywordToken
Token which represents the SPARQL ISLITERAL Keyword.
Public classIsNumericKeywordToken
Token which represents the SPARQL ISNUMERIC Keyword.
Public classIsUriKeywordToken
Token which represents the SPARQL ISURI Keyword.
Public classKeywordAToken
Token representing the 'a' Keyword.
Public classKeywordDirectiveToken
Token which represents a Keyword Directive.
Public classKeywordIsToken
Token representing the 'is' Keyword.
Public classKeywordOfToken
Token representing the 'of' Keyword.
Public classLangKeywordToken
Token which represents the SPARQL LANG Keyword.
Public classLangMatchesKeywordToken
Token which represents the SPARQL LANGMATCHES Keyword.
Public classLanguageSpecifierToken
Token which represents the Language Specifier for a Literal.
Public classLCaseKeywordToken
Token which represents the SPARQL LCASE Keyword.
Public classLeftBracketToken
Token which represents the ( Character.
Public classLeftCurlyBracketToken
Token which represents the { Character.
Public classLeftSquareBracketToken
Token which represents the [ Character.
Public classLengthKeywordToken
Token which represents the SPARQL LENGTH Keyword.
Public classLessThanOrEqualToToken
Token which represents Relational Less Than or Equal To.
Public classLessThanToken
Token which represents Relational Less Than.
Public classLetKeywordToken
Token which represents the SPARQL LET Keyword.
Public classLimitKeywordToken
Token which represents the SPARQL LIMIT Keyword.
Public classLiteralToken
Token which represents Literals.
Public classLiteralWithDataTypeToken
Token which represents Literals with Data Types.
Public classLiteralWithLanguageSpecifierToken
Token which represents Literals with Language Specifiers.
Public classLoadKeywordToken
Token which represents the SPARQL Update LOAD Keyword.
Public classLongLiteralToken
Token which represents Long Literals (allows multi-line values).
Public classMaxKeywordToken
Token which represents the SPARQL MAX Keyword.
Public classMD5KeywordToken
Token which represents the SPARQL MD5 Keyword.
Public classMedianKeywordToken
Token which represents the SPARQL MEDIAN Keyword.
Public classMinKeywordToken
Token which represents the SPARQL MIN Keyword.
Public classMinusKeywordToken
Token which represents the SPARQL MINUS Keyword.
Public classMinusToken
Token which represents Mathematical Minus.
Public classMinutesKeywordToken
Token which represents the SPARQL MINUTES Keyword.
Public classModeKeywordToken
Token which represents the SPARQL MODE Keyword.
Public classMonthKeywordToken
Token which represents the SPARQL MONTH Keyword.
Public classMoveKeywordToken
Token which represents the SPARQL Update MOVE Keyword.
Public classMultiplyToken
Token which represents Mathematical Multiply.
Public classNamedKeywordToken
Token which represents the SPARQL NAMED Keyword.
Public classNegationToken
Token which represents Logical Negation.
Public classNonTokenisedTokenQueue
Token Queue which is not backed by a Tokeniser.
Public classNotation3Tokeniser
A Class for Reading an Input Stream and generating Notation 3 Tokens from it.
Public classNotEqualsToken
Token which represents Logical Not Equals.
Public classNotExistsKeywordToken
Token which represents the SPARQL NOT EXISTS Keyword.
Public classNotInKeywordToken
Token which represents the SPARQL NOT IN Keyword.
Public classNowKeywordToken
Token which represents the SPARQL NOW Keyword.
Public classNTriplesTokeniser
Tokeniser for NTriples RDF Syntax.
Public classNumericMaxKeywordToken
Token which represents the SPARQL NMAX Keyword.
Public classNumericMinKeywordToken
Token which represents the SPARQL NMIN Keyword.
Public classOffsetKeywordToken
Token which represents the SPARQL OFFSET Keyword.
Public classOptionalKeywordToken
Token which represents the SPARQL OPTIONAL Keyword.
Public classOrderByKeywordToken
Token which represents the SPARQL ORDER BY Keyword combination.
Public classOrToken
Token which represents Logical Or.
Public classPathToken
Special Token which acts as a Placeholder for SPARQL Property Paths.
Public classPlainLiteralToken
Token which represents Plain (Unquoted) Literals.
Public classPlusToken
Token which represents Mathematical Plus.
Public classPrefixDirectiveToken
Token which represents a Prefix Directive.
Public classPrefixToken
Token which represents the Prefix specified after a Prefix Directive.
Public classQNameToken
Token which represents QNames.
Public classQuestionToken
Token which represents the ? Character.
Public classRandKeywordToken
Token which represents the SPARQL RAND Keyword.
Public classReducedKeywordToken
Token which represents the SPARQL REDUCED Keyword.
Public classRegexKeywordToken
Token which represents the SPARQL REGEX Keyword.
Public classReplaceKeywordToken
Token which represents the SPARQL REPLACE Keyword.
Public classRightBracketToken
Token which represents the ) Character.
Public classRightCurlyBracketToken
Token which represents the } Character.
Public classRightSquareBracketToken
Token which represents the ] Character.
Public classRoundKeywordToken
Token which represents the SPARQL ROUND Keyword.
Public classSameTermKeywordToken
Token which represents the SPARQL SAMETERM Keyword.
Public classSampleKeywordToken
Token which represents the SPARQL SAMPLE Keyword.
Public classSecondsKeywordToken
Token which represents the SPARQL SECONDS Keyword.
Public classSelectKeywordToken
Token which represents the SPARQL SELECT Keyword.
Public classSemicolonToken
Token which represents the ; Character.
Public classSeparatorKeywordToken
Token which represents the SPARQL SEPARATOR Keyword.
Public classServiceKeywordToken
Token which represents the SPARQL SERVICE Keyword.
Public classSha1KeywordToken
Token which represents the SPARQL SHA1 Keyword.
Public classSha224KeywordToken
Token which represents the SPARQL SHA224 Keyword.
Public classSha256KeywordToken
Token which represents the SPARQL SHA256 Keyword.
Public classSha384KeywordToken
Token which represents the SPARQL SHA384 Keyword.
Public classSha512KeywordToken
Token which represents the SPARQL SHA512 Keyword.
Public classSilentKeywordToken
Token which represents the SPARQL Update SILENT Keyword.
Public classSparqlTokeniser
A Class for Reading an Input Stream and generating SPARQL Tokens.
Public classStrAfterKeywordToken
Token which represents the SPARQL STRAFTER Keyword.
Public classStrBeforeKeywordToken
Token which represents the SPARQL STRBEFORE Keyword.
Public classStrContainsKeywordToken
Token which represents the SPARQL CONTAINS Keyword.
Public classStrDtKeywordToken
Token which represents the SPARQL STRDT Keyword.
Public classStrEndsKeywordToken
Token which represents the SPARQL STRENDS Keyword.
Public classStrKeywordToken
Token which represents the SPARQL STR Keyword.
Public classStrLangKeywordToken
Token which represents the SPARQL STRLANG Keyword.
Public classStrLenKeywordToken
Token which represents the SPARQL STRLEN Keyword.
Public classStrStartsKeywordToken
Token which represents the SPARQL STRSTARTS Keyword.
Public classStrUUIDKeywordToken
Token which represents the SPARQL STRUUID Keyword.
Public classSubStrKeywordToken
Token which represents the SPARQL SUBSTR Keyword.
Public classSumKeywordToken
Token which represents the SPARQL SUM Keyword.
Public classTabToken
Tokens which represents the tab character.
Public classTimezoneKeywordToken
Token which represents the SPARQL TIMEZONE Keyword.
Public classToken
Static Class which defines the Integer Constants used for Token Types.
Public classTokenQueue
Basic Token Queue which provides no Buffering except in the sense that it queues all possible Tokens when the InitialiseBuffer method is called.
Public classToKeywordToken
Token which represents the SPARQL Update TO Keyword.
Public classTriGTokeniser
Tokeniser for TriG (Turtle with Named Graphs) RDF Syntax.
Public classTsvTokeniser
Tokeniser for tokenising TSV inputs.
Public classTurtleTokeniser
A Class for Reading an Input Stream and generating Turtle Tokens from it.
Public classTZKeywordToken
Token which represents the SPARQL TZ Keyword.
Public classUCaseKeywordToken
Token which represents the SPARQL UCASE Keyword.
Public classUndefKeywordToken
Token which represents the SPARQL UNDEF Keyword.
Public classUnderscoreToken
Token which repreents the _ Character.
Public classUnionKeywordToken
Token which represents the SPARQL UNION Keyword.
Public classUnsaidKeywordToken
Token which represents the SPARQL UNSAID Keyword.
Public classUriKeywordToken
Token which represents the SPARQL URI Keyword.
Public classUriToken
Token which represents URIs.
Public classUsingKeywordToken
Token which represents the SPARQL Update USING Keyword.
Public classUUIDKeywordToken
Token which represents the SPARQL UUID Keyword.
Public classValuesKeywordToken
Token which represents the SPARQL VALUES Keyword.
Public classVariableToken
Token representing Variables.
Public classWhereKeywordToken
Token which represents the SPARQL WHERE Keyword.
Public classWithKeywordToken
Token which represents the SPARQL Update WITH Keyword.
Public classYearKeywordToken
Token which represents the SPARQL YEAR Keyword.
Public interfaceIToken
Interface for defining Token classes to be used in Parsing RDF.
Public interfaceITokeniser
Interface for Tokenisers.
Public interfaceITokenQueue
Interface for implementing Token Queues which provide Bufferable wrappers to Tokenisers.
Public enumerationTokeniserEscapeMode
Possible Escape Handling Modes for the Tokeniser.
Public enumerationTokenQueueMode
Token Queue Mode Constants.