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VDS.RDF.Query.Describe Namespace

Namespace for classes which implement algorithms for executing DESCRIBE queries.

Public classBaseDescribeAlgorithm
Abstract Base Class for SPARQL Describe Algorithms which provides BNode rewriting functionality.
Public classConciseBoundedDescription
Computes a Concise Bounded Description for all the Values resulting from the Query.
Public classLabelledDescription
Computes a Labelled Description for all the Values resulting from the Query.
Public classMinimalSpanningGraph
Computes the merge of the Minimal Spanning Graphs for all the Values resulting from the Query.
Public classNamedGraphDescription
Computes a Description for all the results such that the description is the merge of all the Graphs named with a resulting URI.
Public classSimpleSubjectDescription
Computes a Simple Subject Description for all Values resulting from the Query.
Public classSimpleSubjectObjectDescription
Computes a Simple Subject Object Description for all Values resulting from the Query.
Public classSymmetricConciseBoundedDescription
Computes a Symmetric Concise Bounded Description for all the Values resulting from the Query.
Public interfaceISparqlDescribe
Interface for classes that implement the DESCRIBE functionality of SPARQL.