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VDS.RDF.Query.Inference.Pellet Namespace

Namespace which provides a client for interacting with a Pellet Server.

Due to Pellet Server being a relatively new product it is currently only possible to reason over external knowledge bases on a Pellet Server and not to use Pellet to reason over in-memory data. As Pellet Server is updated in the future this client will be updated to take advantage of those updates and to eventually provide for in-memory reasoning. You may also want to consider using the StardogConnector which is the triple store from the same people who developed Pellet and which integrates some Pellet capabilities.

Public classKnowledgeBase
Represents a Knowledge Base on a Pellet Server.
Public classPelletHelper
Helper class provided constants and helper methods for use with Pellet Server.
Public classPelletServer
Represents a Connection to a Pellet Server.
Public classPelletService
Class representing Services provided by a Pellet Server Knowledge Base.
Public classServiceEndpoint
Represents the Service Endpoint for a Service provided by a Pellet Server.
Public delegatePelletClusterServiceCallback
Callback for Pellet Cluster Service.
Public delegatePelletConsistencyCallback
Callback for Pellet Constistency Service.
Public delegatePelletSearchServiceCallback
Callback for Pellet Search Service.
Public delegatePelletServerReadyCallback
Callback that occurs when the connection to a Pellet Server instance is ready for use.
Public delegatePelletSimilarityServiceCallback
Callback for Pellet Similarity Service.