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VDS.RDF.Storage Namespace

Namespace for storage classes which provide support for using arbitrary backing Stores.

Storage is managed via the IStorageProvider interface, see the Triple Store Integration documentation on the main website for more detail.

Data Provider Libraries

From the 0.5.0 release onwards any triple store integration that requires additional dependencies are provided with their own library to reduce dependencies in the Core library and allow that functionality to be optional. The following stores are currently provided in separate libraries:.

  • Virtuoso - Virtuoso support can be found in the dotNetRDF.Data.Virtuoso.dll library and requires one additional dependency.
Public classAllegroGraphConnector
Class for connecting to an AllegroGraph Store.
Public classAsyncStorageCallbackArgs
Represents arguments passed to callbacks on success/failure of a async storage API call.
Public classBaseAsyncHttpConnector
Abstract Base Class for HTTP Based IAsyncStorageProvider implementations.
Public classBaseAsyncSafeConnector
Abstract Base Class for IStorageProvider implementations for which it is safe to do the IAsyncStorageProvider implementation simply by farming out calls to the synchronous methods onto background threads (i.e. non-HTTP based connectors).
Public classBaseHttpConnector
Abstract Base Class for HTTP based Storage API implementations.
Public classBaseSesameHttpProtocolConnector
Abstract Base Class for connecting to any Store that supports the Sesame 2.0 HTTP Communication protocol.
Public classBaseStardogConnector
Abstract implementation of a connector for Stardog that connects using the HTTP protocol.
Public classDatasetFileManager
Allows you to treat an RDF Dataset File - NQuads, TriG or TriX - as a read-only generic store.
Public classFourStoreConnector
Class for connecting to 4store.
Public classFusekiConnector
Class for connecting to any dataset that can be exposed via Fuseki.
Public classInMemoryManager
Provides a wrapper around an in-memory store.
Public classQueryableReadOnlyConnector
Provides a Read-Only wrapper that can be placed around another IQueryableStorage instance.
Public classRdfStorageException
Class for representing errors that occur in RDF Storage.
Public classReadOnlyConnector
Provides a Read-Only wrapper that can be placed around another IStorageProvider instance.
Public classReadWriteSparqlConnector
Class for connecting to any SPARQL server that provides both a query and update endpoint.
Public classSesameHttpProtocolConnector
Connector for connecting to a Store that supports the Sesame 2.0 HTTP Communication protocol.
Public classSesameHttpProtocolVersion5Connector
Connector for connecting to a Store that supports the Sesame 2.0 HTTP Communication Protocol version 5 (i.e. no SPARQL Update support).
Public classSesameHttpProtocolVersion6Connector
Connector for connecting to a Store that supports the Sesame 2.0 HTTP Communication Protocol version 6 (i.e. includes SPARQL Update support).
Public classSparqlConnector
Class for connecting to any SPARQL Endpoint as a read-only Store.
Public classSparqlHttpProtocolConnector
Class for connecting to any store that implements the SPARQL Graph Store HTTP Protocol for Managing Graphs.
Public classStardogConnector
A Stardog connector for connecting to Stardog servers running the latest version, currently this is version 3.*.
Public classStardogV1Connector
A Stardog Connector for connecting to Stardog version 1.* servers.
Public classStardogV2Connector
A Stardog Connector for connecting to Stardog version 2.* servers.
Public classStardogV3Connector
A Stardog Connector for connecting to Stardog version 3.* servers.
Public classStorageHelper
Static Helper for the Storage API.
Public classVirtuosoManager
A Manager for accessing the Native Virtuoso Quad Store.
Public structureBatchTriple
Structure for representing Triples that are waiting to be Batch written to the Database.
Public interfaceIAsyncQueryableStorage
Interface for storage providers which allow SPARQL Queries to be made against them asynchronously.
Public interfaceIAsyncStorageProvider
Interface for storage providers which provide asynchronous read/write functionality to some arbitrary storage layer.
Public interfaceIAsyncTransactionalStorage
Interface for storage providers which have controllable transactions which can be managed asynchronously.
Public interfaceIAsyncUpdateableStorage
Interface for storage providers which allow SPARQL Updates to be made against them asynchronously.
Public interfaceIQueryableStorage
Interface for storage providers which allow SPARQL Queries to be made against them.
Public interfaceIReasoningQueryableStorage
Interface for storage providers which allow SPARQL Queries to be made against them with reasoning set by query.
Public interfaceIStorageCapabilities
Interface which describes the capabilities of some storage provider.
Public interfaceIStorageProvider
Interface for storage providers which provide the read/write functionality to some arbitrary storage layer.
Public interfaceITransactionalStorage
Interface for storage providers which have controllable transactions.
Public interfaceIUpdateableStorage
Interface for storage providers which allow SPARQL Updates to be made against them.
Public delegateAsyncStorageCallback
Generic callback for async storage API operations.
Public enumerationAsyncStorageOperation
Possible Async Storage API Actions.
Public enumerationIOBehaviour
Flags Enumeration which is used to express the IO Behaviours of a specific Store.
Public enumerationSparqlConnectorLoadMethod
Controls how the SparqlConnector loads Graphs from the Endpoint.
Public enumerationStardogReasoningMode
Reasoning modes supported by Stardog.