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RdfAParserContext<THtmlDocument> Properties

The RdfAParserContext<THtmlDocument> generic type exposes the following members.

Public propertyBaseUri
Gets the Base URI for the parsing context.
(Inherited from BaseParserContext.)
Public propertyDefaultVocabulary
Gets/Sets the Default Vocabularly.
Public propertyDocument
Gets the HTML Document.
Public propertyHandler
Gets the Handler used to handle the generated RDF.
(Inherited from BaseParserContext.)
Public propertyNamespaces
Gets the Namespace Map for the parsing context.
(Inherited from BaseParserContext.)
Public propertySyntax
Gets/Sets the RDFa syntax in use.
Public propertyTraceParsing
Gets/Sets whether to trace parsing.
(Inherited from BaseParserContext.)
Public propertyXmlBaseAllowed
Gets/Sets whether xml:base is allowed in the embedded RDF.
See Also