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MimeTypesHelper Class

Helper Class containing definitions of MIME Types for the various RDF Concrete Syntaxes and Content Negotation Methods.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  VDS.RDF
Assembly:  dotNetRDF (in dotNetRDF.dll) Version:
public static class MimeTypesHelper

The MimeTypesHelper type exposes the following members.

Public propertyStatic memberDefinitions
Gets the available MIME Type Definitions.
Public propertyStatic memberHttpAcceptHeader
Builds the String for the HTTP Accept Header that should be used when you want to ask for content in RDF formats (except Sparql Results).
Public propertyStatic memberHttpRdfDatasetAcceptHeader
Builds the String for the HTTP Accept Header that should be used for making HTTP Requests where the returned data will be an RDF dataset.
Public propertyStatic memberHttpRdfOrDatasetAcceptHeader
Builds the String for the HTTP Accept Header that should be used for making HTTP Requests where the returned data may be RDF or an RDF dataset.
Public propertyStatic memberHttpRdfOrSparqlAcceptHeader
Builds the String for the HTTP Accept Header that should be used for making HTTP Requests where the returned data may be RDF or a SPARQL Result Set.
Public propertyStatic memberHttpSparqlAcceptHeader
Builds the String for the HTTP Accept Header that should be used for querying Sparql Endpoints where the response will be a SPARQL Result Set format.
Public propertyStatic memberSupportedRdfDatasetMimeTypes
Gets the Enumeration of supported MIME Types for RDF Datasets.
Public propertyStatic memberSupportedRdfMimeTypes
Gets the Enumeration of supported MIME Types for RDF Graphs.
Public propertyStatic memberSupportedRdfOrSparqlMimeTypes
Gets the Enumeration of supported MIME Types for RDF Graphs or SPARQL Results.
Public propertyStatic memberSupportedSparqlMimeTypes
Gets the Enumeration of supported MIME Types for SPARQL Results.
Public methodStatic memberAddDefinition
Adds a new MIME Type Definition.
Public methodStatic memberApplyParserOptions
Applies global options to a parser.
Public methodStatic memberCustomHttpAcceptHeader(IEnumerableString)
Creates a Custom HTTP Accept Header containing the given selection of MIME Types.
Public methodStatic memberCustomHttpAcceptHeader(IRdfReader)
Creates a Custom HTTP Accept Header containing only the Accept Types supported by a specific parser.
Public methodStatic memberCustomHttpAcceptHeader(IStoreReader)
Creates a Custom HTTP Accept Header containing only the Accept Types supported by a specific parser.
Public methodStatic memberCustomHttpAcceptHeader(IEnumerableString, IEnumerableString)
Creates a Custom HTTP Accept Header containing the given selection of MIME Types where those MIME Types also appear in the list of supported Types.
Public methodStatic memberGetDefinitions(IEnumerableString)
Gets all MIME Type definitions which support the given MIME Types.
Public methodStatic memberGetDefinitions(String)
Gets all MIME Type definitions which support the given MIME Type.
Public methodStatic memberGetDefinitionsByFileExtension
Gets all MIME Types definitions which are associated with a given file extension.
Public methodStatic memberGetFileExtension(String)
Selects the appropriate File Extension for the given MIME Type.
Public methodStatic memberGetFileExtension(IRdfWriter)
Selects the appropriate File Extension for the given RDF Writer.
Public methodStatic memberGetFileExtension(IStoreWriter)
Selects the appropriate File Extension for the given Store Writer.
Public methodStatic memberGetFilenameFilter
Generates a Filename Filter that can be used with any .Net application and includes all formats that dotNetRDF is aware of.
Public methodStatic memberGetFilenameFilter(Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean)
Generates a Filename Filter that can be used with any .Net application and includes a user dictated subset of the formats that dotNetRDF is aware of.
Public methodStatic memberGetMimeType(String) Obsolete.
Selects the appropriate MIME Type for the given File Extension if the File Extension is a standard extension for an RDF format.
Public methodStatic memberGetMimeType(IRdfWriter)
Get the preferred MIME type that is registered for a specific writer.
Public methodStatic memberGetMimeTypes Obsolete.
Gets all the MIME Types associated with a given File Extension.
Public methodStatic memberGetParser(IEnumerableString)
Selects an appropriate IRdfReader based on the given MIME Types.
Public methodStatic memberGetParser(String)
Selects an appropriate IRdfReader based on the HTTP Content-Type header from a HTTP Response.
Public methodStatic memberGetParserByFileExtension
Selects a IRdfReader based on the file extension.
Public methodStatic memberGetSparqlParser(String)
Selects an appropriate ISparqlResultsReader based on the HTTP Content-Type header from a HTTP Response.
Public methodStatic memberGetSparqlParser(IEnumerableString, Boolean)
Selects a SPARQL Parser based on the MIME types.
Public methodStatic memberGetSparqlParser(String, Boolean)
Selects an appropriate ISparqlResultsReader based on the HTTP Content-Type header from a HTTP Response.
Public methodStatic memberGetSparqlParserByFileExtension
Selects a ISparqlResultsReader based on the file extension.
Public methodStatic memberGetSparqlWriter(IEnumerableString)
Selects an appropriate ISparqlResultsWriter based on the given MIME Types.
Public methodStatic memberGetSparqlWriter(String)
Selects an appropriate ISparqlResultsWriter based on the HTTP Accept header form a HTTP Request.
Public methodStatic memberGetSparqlWriter(IEnumerableString, String)
Selects an appropriate ISparqlResultsWriter based on the HTTP Accept header form a HTTP Request.
Public methodStatic memberGetSparqlWriter(String, String)
Selects an appropriate ISparqlResultsWriter based on the HTTP Accept header form a HTTP Request.
Public methodStatic memberGetSparqlWriterByFileExtension(String)
Selects a ISparqlResultsWriter based on a file extension.
Public methodStatic memberGetSparqlWriterByFileExtension(String, String)
Selects a ISparqlResultsWriter based on a file extension.
Public methodStatic memberGetStoreParser(IEnumerableString)
Selects a Store parser based on the MIME types.
Public methodStatic memberGetStoreParser(String)
Selects an appropriate IStoreReader based on the HTTP Content-Type header from a HTTP Response.
Public methodStatic memberGetStoreParserByFileExtension
Selects a Store parser based on the file extension.
Public methodStatic memberGetStoreWriter(IEnumerableString)
Selects an appropriate IStoreWriter based on the given MIME Types.
Public methodStatic memberGetStoreWriter(String)
Selects an appropriate IStoreWriter based on the HTTP Accept header form a HTTP Request.
Public methodStatic memberGetStoreWriter(IEnumerableString, String)
Selects an appropriate IStoreWriter based on the given MIME Types.
Public methodStatic memberGetStoreWriter(String, String)
Selects an appropriate IStoreWriter based on the HTTP Accept header form a HTTP Request.
Public methodStatic memberGetStoreWriterByFileExtension(String)
Selects a IStoreWriter by file extension.
Public methodStatic memberGetStoreWriterByFileExtension(String, String)
Selects a IStoreWriter by file extension.
Public methodStatic memberGetTrueFileExtension
Gets the true file extension for a filename.
Public methodStatic memberGetTrueResourceExtension
Gets the true extension for a resource.
Public methodStatic memberGetWriter(IEnumerableString)
Selects an appropriate IRdfWriter based on the given MIME Types.
Public methodStatic memberGetWriter(String)
Selects an appropriate IRdfWriter based on the HTTP Accept header form a HTTP Request.
Public methodStatic memberGetWriter(IEnumerableString, String)
Selects an appropriate IRdfWriter based on the given MIME Types.
Public methodStatic memberGetWriter(String, String)
Selects an appropriate IRdfWriter based on the HTTP Accept header form a HTTP Request.
Public methodStatic memberGetWriterByFileExtension(String)
Selects a IRdfWriter based on the file extension.
Public methodStatic memberGetWriterByFileExtension(String, String)
Selects a IRdfWriter based on the file extension.
Public methodStatic memberRegisterParser(IRdfReader, IEnumerableString, IEnumerableString)
Registers a parser as the default RDF Parser for all the given MIME types and updates relevant definitions to include the MIME types and file extensions.
Public methodStatic memberRegisterParser(ISparqlResultsReader, IEnumerableString, IEnumerableString)
Registers a parser as the default SPARQL Rsults Parser for all the given MIME types and updates relevant definitions to include the MIME types and file extensions.
Public methodStatic memberRegisterParser(IStoreReader, IEnumerableString, IEnumerableString)
Registers a parser as the default RDF Dataset Parser for all the given MIME types and updates relevant definitions to include the MIME types and file extensions.
Public methodStatic memberRegisterWriter(IRdfWriter, IEnumerableString, IEnumerableString)
Registers a writer as the default RDF Writer for all the given MIME types and updates relevant definitions to include the MIME types and file extensions.
Public methodStatic memberRegisterWriter(ISparqlResultsWriter, IEnumerableString, IEnumerableString)
Registers a writer as the default SPARQL Results Writer for all the given MIME types and updates relevant definitions to include the MIME types and file extensions.
Public methodStatic memberRegisterWriter(IStoreWriter, IEnumerableString, IEnumerableString)
Registers a writer as the default RDF Dataset Writer for all the given MIME types and updates relevant definitions to include the MIME types and file extensions.
Public methodStatic memberResetDefinitions
Resets the MIME Type Definitions (the associations between file extensions, MIME types and their respective parsers and writers) to the library defaults.
Public fieldStatic memberAny
MIME Type for accept any content Type.
Public fieldStatic memberCharsetUtf16
Charset constants.
Public fieldStatic memberCharsetUtf8
Charset constants.
Public fieldStatic memberDefaultCsvExtension
Default File Extension for CSV.
Public fieldStatic memberDefaultGZipExtension
Default File Extension for GZip.
Public fieldStatic memberDefaultHtmlExtension
Default File Extension for HTML.
Public fieldStatic memberDefaultJsonExtension
Default File Extension for Json formats.
Public fieldStatic memberDefaultJsonLdExtension
Default file extension for JSON-LD formats.
Public fieldStatic memberDefaultNotation3Extension
Default File Extension for Notation 3.
Public fieldStatic memberDefaultNQuadsExtension
Default File Extension for NQuads.
Public fieldStatic memberDefaultNTriplesExtension
Default File Extension for NTriples.
Public fieldStatic memberDefaultRdfJsonExtension
Default File Extension for RDF/JSON.
Public fieldStatic memberDefaultRdfXmlExtension
Default File Extension for RDF/XML.
Public fieldStatic memberDefaultSparqlJsonExtension
Default File Extension for SPARQL JSON Results Format.
Public fieldStatic memberDefaultSparqlQueryExtension
Default File Extension for SPARQL Queries.
Public fieldStatic memberDefaultSparqlUpdateExtension
Default File Extension for SPARQL Updates.
Public fieldStatic memberDefaultSparqlXmlExtension
Default File Extension for SPARQL XML Results Format.
Public fieldStatic memberDefaultTriGExtension
Default File Extension for TriG.
Public fieldStatic memberDefaultTriXExtension
Default File Extension for TriX.
Public fieldStatic memberDefaultTsvExtension
Default File Extension for TSV.
Public fieldStatic memberDefaultTurtleExtension
Default File Extension for Turtle Files.
Public fieldStatic memberDefaultXHtmlExtension
Default File Extension for XHTML.
Public fieldStatic memberFormMultipart
MIME Type for Multipart Form Data.
Public fieldStatic memberSparqlQuery
MIME Type for SPARQL Queries.
Public fieldStatic memberSparqlResultsXml
MIME Types for SPARQL Results XML.
Public fieldStatic memberSparqlUpdate
MIME Type for SPARQL Updates.
Public fieldStatic memberUtf8WWWFormURLEncoded
MIME Type for URL Enoded WWW Form Content used when POSTing over HTTP in UTF-8 encoding.
Public fieldStatic memberWWWFormURLEncoded
MIME Type for URL Encoded WWW Form Content used when POSTing over HTTP.
See Also