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ExplainUpdateProcessor Class

An Update Processor that extends the Leviathan Engine to include explanations of the query portions of the Updates.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  VDS.RDF.Update
Assembly:  dotNetRDF (in dotNetRDF.dll) Version:
public class ExplainUpdateProcessor : LeviathanUpdateProcessor

The ExplainUpdateProcessor type exposes the following members.

Public methodExplainUpdateProcessor(IInMemoryQueryableStore)
Creates a new Explain Update Processor.
Public methodExplainUpdateProcessor(ISparqlDataset)
Creates a new Explain Update Processor.
Public methodExplainUpdateProcessor(IInMemoryQueryableStore, ExplanationLevel)
Creates a new Explain Update Processor.
Public methodExplainUpdateProcessor(ISparqlDataset, ExplanationLevel)
Creates a new Explain Update Processor.
Public propertyAutoCommit
Gets/Sets whether Updates are automatically committed.
(Inherited from LeviathanUpdateProcessor.)
Public methodDiscard
Discards and outstanding changes from the underlying dataset.
(Inherited from LeviathanUpdateProcessor.)
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodFinalize
Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodFlush
Flushes any outstanding changes to the underlying dataset.
(Inherited from LeviathanUpdateProcessor.)
Protected methodGetContext()
Creates a new Evaluation Context.
(Inherited from LeviathanUpdateProcessor.)
Protected methodGetContext(SparqlUpdateCommandSet)
Creates a new Evaluation Context.
(Inherited from LeviathanUpdateProcessor.)
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodGetQueryProcessor
Gets the Query Processor to be used.
(Overrides LeviathanUpdateProcessor.GetQueryProcessor().)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodProcessAddCommand
Processes an ADD command.
(Inherited from LeviathanUpdateProcessor.)
Protected methodProcessAddCommandInternal
Processes an ADD command.
(Inherited from LeviathanUpdateProcessor.)
Public methodProcessClearCommand
Processes a CLEAR command.
(Inherited from LeviathanUpdateProcessor.)
Protected methodProcessClearCommandInternal
Processes a CLEAR command.
(Inherited from LeviathanUpdateProcessor.)
Public methodProcessCommand
Processes a command.
(Inherited from LeviathanUpdateProcessor.)
Public methodProcessCommandSet
Processes a command set.
(Inherited from LeviathanUpdateProcessor.)
Public methodProcessCopyCommand
Processes a COPY command.
(Inherited from LeviathanUpdateProcessor.)
Protected methodProcessCopyCommandInternal
Processes a COPY command.
(Inherited from LeviathanUpdateProcessor.)
Public methodProcessCreateCommand
Processes a CREATE command.
(Inherited from LeviathanUpdateProcessor.)
Protected methodProcessCreateCommandInternal
Processes a CREATE command.
(Inherited from LeviathanUpdateProcessor.)
Public methodProcessDeleteCommand
Processes a DELETE command.
(Inherited from LeviathanUpdateProcessor.)
Protected methodProcessDeleteCommandInternal
Processes a DELETE command.
(Inherited from LeviathanUpdateProcessor.)
Public methodProcessDeleteDataCommand
Processes a DELETE DATA command.
(Inherited from LeviathanUpdateProcessor.)
Protected methodProcessDeleteDataCommandInternal
Processes a DELETE DATA command.
(Inherited from LeviathanUpdateProcessor.)
Public methodProcessDropCommand
Processes a DROP command.
(Inherited from LeviathanUpdateProcessor.)
Protected methodProcessDropCommandInternal
Processes a DROP command.
(Inherited from LeviathanUpdateProcessor.)
Public methodProcessInsertCommand
Processes an INSERT command.
(Inherited from LeviathanUpdateProcessor.)
Protected methodProcessInsertCommandInternal
Processes an INSERT command.
(Inherited from LeviathanUpdateProcessor.)
Public methodProcessInsertDataCommand
Processes an INSERT DATA command.
(Inherited from LeviathanUpdateProcessor.)
Protected methodProcessInsertDataCommandInternal
Processes an INSERT DATA command.
(Inherited from LeviathanUpdateProcessor.)
Public methodProcessLoadCommand
Processes a LOAD command.
(Inherited from LeviathanUpdateProcessor.)
Protected methodProcessLoadCommandInternal
Processes a LOAD command.
(Inherited from LeviathanUpdateProcessor.)
Public methodProcessModifyCommand
Processes an INSERT/DELETE command.
(Inherited from LeviathanUpdateProcessor.)
Protected methodProcessModifyCommandInternal
Processes an INSERT/DELETE command.
(Inherited from LeviathanUpdateProcessor.)
Public methodProcessMoveCommand
Processes a MOVE command.
(Inherited from LeviathanUpdateProcessor.)
Protected methodProcessMoveCommandInternal
Processes a MOVE command.
(Inherited from LeviathanUpdateProcessor.)
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected field_dataset
Dataset over which updates are applied.
(Inherited from LeviathanUpdateProcessor.)
See Also