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IObjectFactoryTryLoadObject Method

Attempts to load an Object of the given type identified by the given Node and returned as the Type that this loader generates.

Namespace:  VDS.RDF.Configuration
Assembly:  dotNetRDF (in dotNetRDF.dll) Version:
bool TryLoadObject(
	IGraph g,
	INode objNode,
	Type targetType,
	out Object obj


Type: VDS.RDFIGraph
Configuration Graph.
Type: VDS.RDFINode
Object Node.
Type: SystemType
Target Type.
Type: SystemObject
Created Object.

Return Value

Type: Boolean
True if the loader succeeded in creating an Object.

The Factory should not throw an error if some required configuration is missing as another factory further down the processing chain may still be able to create the object. If the factory encounters errors and all the required configuration information is present then that error should be thrown i.e. class instantiation throws an error or a call to load an object that this object requires fails.

See Also