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GraphPatternBuilder Methods

The GraphPatternBuilder type exposes the following members.

Public methodBind
Adds a BIND variable assignment to the graph pattern.
Public methodChild(GraphPatternBuilder)
Adds a "normal" child graph pattern.
Public methodChild(Action<IGraphPatternBuilder>)
Adds a "normal" child graph pattern.
Public methodChild(IQueryBuilder)
Adds a "normal" child graph pattern.
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodFilter(Func<INonAggregateExpressionBuilder, BooleanExpression>)
Adds a FILTER to the SPARQL query or graph pattern.
Public methodFilter(ISparqlExpression)
Adds a FILTER expression to the SPARQL query or graph pattern.
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGraph(String, Action<IGraphPatternBuilder>)
Adds a GRAPH graph pattern to the graph pattern.
Public methodGraph(Uri, Action<IGraphPatternBuilder>)
Adds a GRAPH graph pattern to the graph pattern.
Public methodGroup(GraphPatternBuilder)
Adds another child graph pattern builder.
Public methodGroup(Action<IGraphPatternBuilder>)
Adds another child graph pattern builder.
Public methodInlineData
Adds a VALUES inline data block to the graph pattern.
Public methodMinus
Adds a MINUS graph pattern to the SPARQL query or graph pattern.
Public methodOptional
Adds an OPTIONAL graph pattern to the SPARQL query or graph pattern.
Public methodService
Adds a SERVICE graph pattern to the graph pattern.
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodUnion(GraphPatternBuilder,GraphPatternBuilder[])
Creates a UNION of multiple graph patterns. If unionedGraphPatternBuilders is null or empty, acts as a call to the Child(GraphPatternBuilder) method.
Public methodUnion(Action<IGraphPatternBuilder>,Action<IGraphPatternBuilder>[])
Public methodWhere(ITriplePattern[])
Adds triple patterns to the SPARQL query or graph pattern.
Public methodWhere(Action<ITriplePatternBuilder>)
Adds triple patterns to the SPARQL query or graph pattern.
See Also