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IOwlReasoner Methods

The IOwlReasoner type exposes the following members.

Public methodAdd
Adds a Graph to the reasoners knowledge base.
Public methodClassify
Extracts the triples which comprise the class hierarchy.
Public methodExtract(IEnumerableString)
Extracts all possible triples using the given extraction modes.
Public methodExtract(String)
Extracts all possible triples using the given extraction mode.
Public methodExtract(IGraph, INode)
Extract a reasoning enhanced sub-graph from the given Graph rooted at the given Node.
Public methodIsConsistent
Returns whether the underlying knowledge base is consistent.
Public methodIsConsistent(IGraph)
Returns whether the given Graph is consistent with the underlying knowledge base.
Public methodRealize
Extracts the triples which comprise the class hierarchy and individuals of those classes.
See Also