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IAsyncQueryableStorage Methods

The IAsyncQueryableStorage type exposes the following members.

Public methodDeleteGraph(String, AsyncStorageCallback, Object)
Deletes a Graph from the Store.
(Inherited from IAsyncStorageProvider.)
Public methodDeleteGraph(Uri, AsyncStorageCallback, Object)
Deletes a Graph from the Store.
(Inherited from IAsyncStorageProvider.)
Public methodDispose
Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources.
(Inherited from IDisposable.)
Public methodListGraphs
Lists the Graphs in the Store asynchronously.
(Inherited from IAsyncStorageProvider.)
Public methodLoadGraph(IGraph, String, AsyncStorageCallback, Object)
Loads a Graph from the Store asynchronously.
(Inherited from IAsyncStorageProvider.)
Public methodLoadGraph(IGraph, Uri, AsyncStorageCallback, Object)
Loads a Graph from the Store asynchronously.
(Inherited from IAsyncStorageProvider.)
Public methodLoadGraph(IRdfHandler, String, AsyncStorageCallback, Object)
Loads a Graph from the Store asynchronously.
(Inherited from IAsyncStorageProvider.)
Public methodLoadGraph(IRdfHandler, Uri, AsyncStorageCallback, Object)
Loads a Graph from the Store asynchronously.
(Inherited from IAsyncStorageProvider.)
Public methodQuery(String, AsyncStorageCallback, Object)
Queries the store asynchronously.
Public methodQuery(IRdfHandler, ISparqlResultsHandler, String, AsyncStorageCallback, Object)
Queries the store asynchronously.
Public methodSaveGraph
Saves a Graph to the Store asynchronously.
(Inherited from IAsyncStorageProvider.)
Public methodUpdateGraph(String, IEnumerable<Triple>, IEnumerable<Triple>, AsyncStorageCallback, Object)
Updates a Graph in the Store asychronously.
(Inherited from IAsyncStorageProvider.)
Public methodUpdateGraph(Uri, IEnumerable<Triple>, IEnumerable<Triple>, AsyncStorageCallback, Object)
Updates a Graph in the Store asychronously.
(Inherited from IAsyncStorageProvider.)
See Also