IAsyncUpdateableStorage Methods |
The IAsyncUpdateableStorage type exposes the following members.
| Name | Description |
| DeleteGraph(String, AsyncStorageCallback, Object) |
Deletes a Graph from the Store.
(Inherited from IAsyncStorageProvider.) |
| DeleteGraph(Uri, AsyncStorageCallback, Object) |
Deletes a Graph from the Store.
(Inherited from IAsyncStorageProvider.) |
| Dispose | Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources. (Inherited from IDisposable.) |
| ListGraphs |
Lists the Graphs in the Store asynchronously.
(Inherited from IAsyncStorageProvider.) |
| LoadGraph(IGraph, String, AsyncStorageCallback, Object) |
Loads a Graph from the Store asynchronously.
(Inherited from IAsyncStorageProvider.) |
| LoadGraph(IGraph, Uri, AsyncStorageCallback, Object) |
Loads a Graph from the Store asynchronously.
(Inherited from IAsyncStorageProvider.) |
| LoadGraph(IRdfHandler, String, AsyncStorageCallback, Object) |
Loads a Graph from the Store asynchronously.
(Inherited from IAsyncStorageProvider.) |
| LoadGraph(IRdfHandler, Uri, AsyncStorageCallback, Object) |
Loads a Graph from the Store asynchronously.
(Inherited from IAsyncStorageProvider.) |
| Query(String, AsyncStorageCallback, Object) |
Queries the store asynchronously.
(Inherited from IAsyncQueryableStorage.) |
| Query(IRdfHandler, ISparqlResultsHandler, String, AsyncStorageCallback, Object) |
Queries the store asynchronously.
(Inherited from IAsyncQueryableStorage.) |
| SaveGraph |
Saves a Graph to the Store asynchronously.
(Inherited from IAsyncStorageProvider.) |
| Update |
Updates the store asynchronously.
| UpdateGraph(String, IEnumerableTriple, IEnumerableTriple, AsyncStorageCallback, Object) |
Updates a Graph in the Store asychronously.
(Inherited from IAsyncStorageProvider.) |
| UpdateGraph(Uri, IEnumerableTriple, IEnumerableTriple, AsyncStorageCallback, Object) |
Updates a Graph in the Store asychronously.
(Inherited from IAsyncStorageProvider.) |
TopSee Also