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StardogV2Connector Methods

The StardogV2Connector type exposes the following members.

Protected methodAddStardogHeaders
Adds Stardog specific request headers.
(Overrides BaseStardogConnector.AddStardogHeaders(HttpWebRequest).)
Protected methodApplyRequestOptions
Helper method which applies standard request options to the request, these currently include proxy settings and HTTP timeout.
(Inherited from BaseHttpConnector.)
Public methodBegin()
Begins a new Transaction.
(Inherited from BaseStardogConnector.)
Public methodBegin(Boolean)
Begins a new Transaction.
(Inherited from BaseStardogConnector.)
Public methodBegin(AsyncStorageCallback, Object)
Begins a transaction asynchronously.
(Inherited from BaseStardogConnector.)
Protected methodBeginTransaction
Start a transaction.
(Inherited from BaseStardogConnector.)
Public methodClearProxy
Clears any in-use credentials so subsequent requests will not use a proxy server.
(Inherited from BaseHttpConnector.)
Public methodClearProxyCredentials
Clears the in-use proxy credentials so subsequent requests still use the proxy server but without credentials.
(Inherited from BaseHttpConnector.)
Public methodCommit()
Commits the active Transaction.
(Inherited from BaseStardogConnector.)
Public methodCommit(AsyncStorageCallback, Object)
Commits a transaction asynchronously.
(Inherited from BaseStardogConnector.)
Protected methodCommitTransaction
Commit an open transaction.
(Inherited from BaseStardogConnector.)
Protected methodCreateRequest
Helper method for creating HTTP Requests to the Store.
(Inherited from BaseStardogConnector.)
Public methodDeleteGraph(String)
Deletes a Graph from the Stardog store.
(Inherited from BaseStardogConnector.)
Public methodDeleteGraph(Uri)
Deletes a Graph from the Stardog store.
(Inherited from BaseStardogConnector.)
Public methodDeleteGraph(Uri, AsyncStorageCallback, Object)
Deletes a Graph from the Store.
(Inherited from BaseAsyncHttpConnector.)
Public methodDeleteGraph(String, AsyncStorageCallback, Object)
Deletes a Graph from the Store.
(Inherited from BaseStardogConnector.)
Protected methodDeleteGraphAsync(HttpWebRequest, Boolean, String, AsyncStorageCallback, Object)
Helper method for doing async delete operations, callers just need to provide an appropriately prepared HTTP request.
(Inherited from BaseAsyncHttpConnector.)
Protected methodDeleteGraphAsync(String, Boolean, String, AsyncStorageCallback, Object)
Delete a graph as part of an open transaction.
(Inherited from BaseStardogConnector.)
Public methodDispose
Disposes of the Connector.
(Inherited from BaseStardogConnector.)
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodFinalize
Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodGetReasoningParameter
Get the query string parameter that specifies the current reasoning mode.
(Overrides BaseStardogConnector.GetReasoningParameter().)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodListGraphs()
Gets the list of Graphs in the Stardog store.
(Inherited from BaseStardogConnector.)
Public methodListGraphs(AsyncStorageCallback, Object)
Lists the Graphs in the Store asynchronously.
(Inherited from BaseAsyncHttpConnector.)
Public methodLoadGraph(IGraph, String)
Loads a Graph from the Store.
(Inherited from BaseStardogConnector.)
Public methodLoadGraph(IGraph, Uri)
Loads a Graph from the Store.
(Inherited from BaseStardogConnector.)
Public methodLoadGraph(IRdfHandler, String)
Loads a Graph from the Store.
(Inherited from BaseStardogConnector.)
Public methodLoadGraph(IRdfHandler, Uri)
Loads a Graph from the Store.
(Inherited from BaseStardogConnector.)
Public methodLoadGraph(IGraph, String, AsyncStorageCallback, Object)
Loads a Graph from the Store asynchronously.
(Inherited from BaseAsyncHttpConnector.)
Public methodLoadGraph(IGraph, Uri, AsyncStorageCallback, Object)
Loads a Graph from the Store asynchronously.
(Inherited from BaseAsyncHttpConnector.)
Public methodLoadGraph(IRdfHandler, Uri, AsyncStorageCallback, Object)
Loads a Graph from the Store asynchronously.
(Inherited from BaseAsyncHttpConnector.)
Public methodLoadGraph(IRdfHandler, String, AsyncStorageCallback, Object)
Loads a Graph from the Store asynchronously.
(Inherited from BaseStardogConnector.)
Protected methodLoadGraphAsync
Helper method for doing async load operations, callers just need to provide an appropriately prepared HTTP request.
(Inherited from BaseAsyncHttpConnector.)
Protected methodMakeRequestSequence
Helper method for doing async operations where a sequence of HTTP requests must be run.
(Inherited from BaseAsyncHttpConnector.)
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodQuery(String)
Makes a SPARQL Query against the underlying Store using whatever reasoning mode is currently in-use.
(Inherited from BaseStardogConnector.)
Public methodQuery(String, Boolean)
Makes a SPARQL Query against the underlying Store using whatever reasoning mode is currently in-use, the reasoning can be set by query.
(Inherited from BaseStardogConnector.)
Public methodQuery(String, AsyncStorageCallback, Object)
Queries the store asynchronously.
(Inherited from BaseStardogConnector.)
Public methodQuery(IRdfHandler, ISparqlResultsHandler, String)
Makes a SPARQL Query against the underlying Store using whatever reasoning mode is currently in-use processing the results using an appropriate handler from those provided.
(Inherited from BaseStardogConnector.)
Public methodQuery(IRdfHandler, ISparqlResultsHandler, String, Boolean)
Makes a SPARQL Query against the underlying Store using whatever reasoning mode is currently in-use processing the results using an appropriate handler from those provided, the reasoning can be set by query.
(Inherited from BaseStardogConnector.)
Public methodQuery(IRdfHandler, ISparqlResultsHandler, String, AsyncStorageCallback, Object)
Queries the store asynchronously.
(Inherited from BaseStardogConnector.)
Public methodRollback()
Rolls back the active Transaction.
(Inherited from BaseStardogConnector.)
Public methodRollback(AsyncStorageCallback, Object)
Rolls back a transaction asynchronously.
(Inherited from BaseStardogConnector.)
Protected methodRollbackTransaction
Rollback an open transaction.
(Inherited from BaseStardogConnector.)
Public methodSaveGraph(IGraph)
Saves a Graph into the Store (see remarks for notes on merge/overwrite behaviour).
(Inherited from BaseStardogConnector.)
Public methodSaveGraph(IGraph, AsyncStorageCallback, Object)
Saves a Graph to the Store asynchronously.
(Inherited from BaseStardogConnector.)
Protected methodSaveGraphAsync(IGraph, AsyncStorageCallback, Object)
Saves a Graph to the Store asynchronously.
(Inherited from BaseStardogConnector.)
Protected methodSaveGraphAsync(HttpWebRequest, IRdfWriter, IGraph, AsyncStorageCallback, Object)
Helper method for doing async save operations, callers just need to provide an appropriately perpared HTTP requests and a RDF writer which will be used to write the data to the request body.
(Inherited from BaseAsyncHttpConnector.)
Protected methodSaveGraphAsync(String, Boolean, IGraph, AsyncStorageCallback, Object)
Save a graph to the database asynchronously within the context of an open transaction.
(Inherited from BaseStardogConnector.)
Public methodSerializeConfiguration
Serializes the connection's configuration.
(Inherited from BaseStardogConnector.)
Protected methodSerializeStandardConfig
Helper method which adds standard configuration information (proxy and timeout settings) to serialized configuration.
(Inherited from BaseHttpConnector.)
Public methodSetCredentials (Inherited from BaseHttpConnector.)
Public methodSetProxy(String)
Sets a Proxy Server to be used.
(Inherited from BaseHttpConnector.)
Public methodSetProxy(Uri)
Sets a Proxy Server to be used.
(Inherited from BaseHttpConnector.)
Public methodSetProxyCredentials(String, String)
Sets Credentials to be used for Proxy Server.
(Inherited from BaseHttpConnector.)
Public methodSetProxyCredentials(String, String, String)
Sets Credentials to be used for Proxy Server.
(Inherited from BaseHttpConnector.)
Public methodToString
Gets a String which gives details of the Connection.
(Inherited from BaseStardogConnector.)
Public methodUpdate(String)
Executes a SPARQL Update against the Stardog store.
Public methodUpdate(String, AsyncStorageCallback, Object)
Executes a SPARQL Update against the Stardog store.
Public methodUpdateGraph(String, IEnumerable<Triple>, IEnumerable<Triple>)
Updates a Graph in the Stardog store.
(Inherited from BaseStardogConnector.)
Public methodUpdateGraph(Uri, IEnumerable<Triple>, IEnumerable<Triple>)
Updates a Graph in the Stardog Store.
(Inherited from BaseStardogConnector.)
Public methodUpdateGraph(Uri, IEnumerable<Triple>, IEnumerable<Triple>, AsyncStorageCallback, Object)
Updates a Graph in the Store asynchronously.
(Inherited from BaseAsyncHttpConnector.)
Public methodUpdateGraph(String, IEnumerable<Triple>, IEnumerable<Triple>, AsyncStorageCallback, Object)
Updates a Graph in the Store asychronously.
(Inherited from BaseStardogConnector.)
Protected methodUpdateGraphAsync(String, IEnumerable<Triple>, IEnumerable<Triple>, AsyncStorageCallback, Object)
Apply an update to a graph.
(Inherited from BaseStardogConnector.)
Protected methodUpdateGraphAsync(HttpWebRequest, IRdfWriter, Uri, IEnumerable<Triple>, AsyncStorageCallback, Object)
Helper method for doing async update operations, callers just need to provide an appropriately prepared HTTP request and a RDF writer which will be used to write the data to the request body.
(Inherited from BaseAsyncHttpConnector.)
Protected methodUpdateGraphAsync(String, Boolean, String, IEnumerable<Triple>, IEnumerable<Triple>, AsyncStorageCallback, Object)
Apply an update to a graph as part of a transaction.
(Inherited from BaseStardogConnector.)
See Also