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UnionGraph Methods

The UnionGraph type exposes the following members.

Public methodAssert(IEnumerable<Triple>)
Asserts some Triples in the Graph.
(Overrides Graph.Assert(IEnumerable<Triple>).)
Public methodAssert(Triple)
Asserts s Triple in the Graph.
(Overrides Graph.Assert(Triple).)
Protected methodAttachEventHandlers
Helper method for attaching the necessary event Handlers to a Triple Collection.
(Inherited from BaseGraph.)
Public methodClear
Clears all the Graphs in the Union.
(Overrides BaseGraph.Clear().)
Public methodContainsTriple
Gets whether a given Triple exists in this Graph.
(Inherited from BaseGraph.)
Public methodCreateBlankNode()
Creates a New Blank Node with an auto-generated Blank Node ID.
(Inherited from BaseGraph.)
Public methodCreateBlankNode(String)
Creates a New Blank Node with a user-defined Blank Node ID.
(Inherited from BaseGraph.)
Public methodCreateGraphLiteralNode()
Creates a new Graph Literal Node with its value being an Empty Subgraph.
(Inherited from BaseGraph.)
Public methodCreateGraphLiteralNode(IGraph)
Creates a new Graph Literal Node with its value being the given Subgraph.
(Inherited from BaseGraph.)
Public methodCreateLiteralNode(String)
Creates a New Literal Node with the given Value.
(Inherited from BaseGraph.)
Public methodCreateLiteralNode(String, String)
Creates a New Literal Node with the given Value and Language Specifier.
(Inherited from BaseGraph.)
Public methodCreateLiteralNode(String, Uri)
Creates a new Literal Node with the given Value and Data Type.
(Inherited from BaseGraph.)
Public methodCreateUriNode()
Creates a new URI Node that refers to the Base Uri of the Graph.
(Inherited from BaseGraph.)
Public methodCreateUriNode(String)
Creates a new URI Node with the given QName.
(Inherited from BaseGraph.)
Public methodCreateUriNode(Uri)
Creates a new URI Node with the given URI.
(Inherited from BaseGraph.)
Public methodCreateVariableNode
Creates a new Variable Node.
(Inherited from BaseGraph.)
Protected methodDetachEventHandlers
Helper method for detaching the necessary event Handlers from a Triple Collection.
(Inherited from BaseGraph.)
Public methodDifference
Computes the Difference between this Graph the given Graph.
(Inherited from BaseGraph.)
Public methodDispose
Disposes of a Graph.
(Inherited from BaseGraph.)
Public methodEquals(Object)
Determines whether a Graph is equal to another Object.
(Inherited from BaseGraph.)
Public methodEquals(IGraph, Dictionary<INode, INode>)
Determines whether this Graph is equal to the given Graph.
(Inherited from BaseGraph.)
Protected methodFinalize
Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetBlankNode
Returns the Blank Node with the given Identifier.
(Inherited from Graph.)
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetLiteralNode(String)
Returns the LiteralNode with the given Value if it exists.
(Inherited from Graph.)
Public methodGetLiteralNode(String, String)
Returns the LiteralNode with the given Value in the given Language if it exists.
(Inherited from Graph.)
Public methodGetLiteralNode(String, Uri)
Returns the LiteralNode with the given Value and given Data Type if it exists.
(Inherited from Graph.)
Public methodGetNextBlankNodeID
Creates a new unused Blank Node ID and returns it.
(Inherited from BaseGraph.)
Public methodGetObjectData
Gets the Serialization Information for serializing a Graph.
(Inherited from BaseGraph.)
Public methodGetSchema
Gets the Schema for XML Serialization.
(Inherited from BaseGraph.)
Public methodGetTriples(Uri)
Gets all the Triples involving the given Uri.
(Inherited from Graph.)
Public methodGetTriples(INode)
Gets all the Triples involving the given Node.
(Inherited from Graph.)
Public methodGetTriplesWithObject(Uri)
Gets all the Triples with the given Uri as the Object.
(Inherited from Graph.)
Public methodGetTriplesWithObject(INode)
Gets all the Triples with the given Node as the Object.
(Inherited from Graph.)
Public methodGetTriplesWithPredicate(Uri)
Gets all the Triples with the given Uri as the Predicate.
(Inherited from Graph.)
Public methodGetTriplesWithPredicate(INode)
Gets all the Triples with the given Node as the Predicate.
(Inherited from Graph.)
Public methodGetTriplesWithPredicateObject
Selects all Triples with the given Predicate and Object.
(Inherited from Graph.)
Public methodGetTriplesWithSubject(Uri)
Gets all the Triples with the given Uri as the Subject.
(Inherited from Graph.)
Public methodGetTriplesWithSubject(INode)
Gets all the Triples with the given Node as the Subject.
(Inherited from Graph.)
Public methodGetTriplesWithSubjectObject
Selects all Triples with the given Subject and Object.
(Inherited from Graph.)
Public methodGetTriplesWithSubjectPredicate
Selects all Triples with the given Subject and Predicate.
(Inherited from Graph.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetUriNode(String)
Returns the UriNode with the given QName if it exists.
(Inherited from Graph.)
Public methodGetUriNode(Uri)
Returns the UriNode with the given Uri if it exists.
(Inherited from Graph.)
Public methodHasSubGraph(IGraph)
Checks whether this Graph has the given Graph as a sub-graph.
(Inherited from BaseGraph.)
Public methodHasSubGraph(IGraph, Dictionary<INode, INode>)
Checks whether this Graph has the given Graph as a sub-graph.
(Inherited from BaseGraph.)
Public methodIsSubGraphOf(IGraph)
Checks whether this Graph is a sub-graph of the given Graph.
(Inherited from BaseGraph.)
Public methodIsSubGraphOf(IGraph, Dictionary<INode, INode>)
Checks whether this Graph is a sub-graph of the given Graph.
(Inherited from BaseGraph.)
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodMerge(IGraph)
Merges another Graph into the current Graph.
(Inherited from BaseGraph.)
Public methodMerge(IGraph, Boolean)
Merges another Graph into the current Graph.
(Inherited from BaseGraph.)
Protected methodOnTripleAsserted
Event Handler which handles the Triple Added event from the underlying Triple Collection by raising the Graph's TripleAsserted event.
(Inherited from BaseGraph.)
Protected methodOnTripleRetracted
Event Handler which handles the Triple Removed event from the underlying Triple Collection by raising the Graph's Triple Retracted event.
(Inherited from BaseGraph.)
Protected methodRaiseCleared
Helper method for raising the Cleared event.
(Inherited from BaseGraph.)
Protected methodRaiseClearRequested
Helper method for raising the Clear Requested event and returning whether any of the Event Handlers cancelled the operation.
(Inherited from BaseGraph.)
Protected methodRaiseGraphChanged()
Helper method for raising the Changed event.
(Inherited from BaseGraph.)
Protected methodRaiseGraphChanged(TripleEventArgs)
Helper method for raising the Changed event.
(Inherited from BaseGraph.)
Protected methodRaiseMerged
Helper method for raising the Merged event.
(Inherited from BaseGraph.)
Protected methodRaiseMergeRequested
Helper method for raising the Merge Requested event and returning whether any of the Event Handlers cancelled the operation.
(Inherited from BaseGraph.)
Protected methodRaiseTripleAsserted(Triple)
Helper method for raising the Triple Asserted event manually.
(Inherited from BaseGraph.)
Protected methodRaiseTripleAsserted(TripleEventArgs)
Helper method for raising the Triple Asserted event manually.
(Inherited from BaseGraph.)
Protected methodRaiseTripleRetracted(Triple)
Helper method for raising the Triple Retracted event manually.
(Inherited from BaseGraph.)
Protected methodRaiseTripleRetracted(TripleEventArgs)
Helper method for raising the Triple Retracted event manually.
(Inherited from BaseGraph.)
Public methodReadXml
Reads the data for XML deserialization.
(Inherited from BaseGraph.)
Public methodResolveQName
Helper function for Resolving QNames to URIs.
(Inherited from BaseGraph.)
Public methodRetract(IEnumerable<Triple>)
Retracts some Triples from the Graph.
(Overrides Graph.Retract(IEnumerable<Triple>).)
Public methodRetract(Triple)
Retracts a Triple from the Graph.
(Overrides Graph.Retract(Triple).)
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodWriteXml
Writes the data for XML serialization.
(Inherited from BaseGraph.)
See Also