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WriterHelper Methods

The WriterHelper type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberEncodeForXml
Encodes values for use in XML.
Public methodStatic memberFindCollections(ICollectionCompressingWriterContext)
Helper method which finds Collections expressed in the Graph which can be compressed into concise collection syntax constructs in some RDF syntaxes.
Public methodStatic memberFindCollections(ICollectionCompressingWriterContext, CollectionSearchMode)
Helper method which finds Collections expressed in the Graph which can be compressed into concise collection syntax constructs in some RDF syntaxes.
Public methodStatic memberFindCollections(IGraph, BaseTripleCollection) Obsolete.
Helper method which finds Collections expressed in the Graph which can be compressed into concise collection syntax constructs in some RDF syntaxes.
Public methodStatic memberGetTriplesSortedBySubjectPredicate
Get a list of all triples in the specified graph, sorted by subject and then predicate.
Public methodStatic memberIsDefaultGraph Obsolete.
Determines whether a given Uri refers to one of the Default Graph URIs assigned to the default Graph when parsing from some RDF dataset syntax.
Public methodStatic memberIsValidBlankNodeID
Determines whether a Blank Node ID is valid as-is when serialised in NTriple like syntaxes (Turtle/N3/SPARQL).
Public methodStatic memberIsValidStrictBlankNodeID
Determines whether a Blank Node ID is valid as-is when serialised as NTriples.
Public methodStatic memberSortTriplesBySubjectPredicate
Sort the provided list of triples by subject and then predicate. The list is modified in-place.
See Also