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BaseStardogConnector.Query Method

Overload List
Public methodQuery(String)
Makes a SPARQL Query against the underlying Store using whatever reasoning mode is currently in-use.
Public methodQuery(String, Boolean)
Makes a SPARQL Query against the underlying Store using whatever reasoning mode is currently in-use, the reasoning can be set by query.
Public methodQuery(String, AsyncStorageCallback, Object)
Queries the store asynchronously.
Public methodQuery(IRdfHandler, ISparqlResultsHandler, String)
Makes a SPARQL Query against the underlying Store using whatever reasoning mode is currently in-use processing the results using an appropriate handler from those provided.
Public methodQuery(IRdfHandler, ISparqlResultsHandler, String, Boolean)
Makes a SPARQL Query against the underlying Store using whatever reasoning mode is currently in-use processing the results using an appropriate handler from those provided, the reasoning can be set by query.
Public methodQuery(IRdfHandler, ISparqlResultsHandler, String, AsyncStorageCallback, Object)
Queries the store asynchronously.
See Also