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OntologyGraph Properties

The OntologyGraph type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAllClasses
Gets all classes defined in the graph using the standard rdfs:Class and owl:Class types.
Public propertyAllNodes
Gets the unique Subject, Predicate and Object nodes of the Graph.
(Inherited from BaseGraph.)
Public propertyAllProperties
Gets all properties defined in the graph using any of the standard property types (rdf:Property, owl:AnnotationProperty, owl:DataProperty, owl:ObjectProperty).
Public propertyBaseUri
Gets the current Base Uri for the Graph.
(Inherited from BaseGraph.)
Public propertyIsEmpty
Gets whether a Graph is Empty ie. Contains No Triples or Nodes.
(Inherited from BaseGraph.)
Public propertyNamespaceMap
Gets the Namespace Mapper for this Graph which contains all in use Namespace Prefixes and their URIs.
(Inherited from BaseGraph.)
Public propertyNodes
Gets the unique Subject and Object nodes of the Graph.
(Inherited from BaseGraph.)
Public propertyOwlAnnotationProperties
Gets all OWL Annotation properties defined in the graph.
Public propertyOwlClasses
Get all OWL classes defined in the graph.
Public propertyOwlDatatypeProperties
Gets all OWL Data properties defined in the graph.
Public propertyOwlObjectProperties
Gets all OWL Object properties defined in the graph.
Public propertyOwlProperties
Gets all properties defined in the graph using any of the standard OWL property types (owl:AnnotationProperty, owl:DataProperty, owl:ObjectProperty).
Public propertyRdfClasses
Get all the RDFS classes defined in the graph.
Public propertyRdfProperties
Gets all RDF properties defined in the graph.
Public propertyTriples
Gets the set of Triples described in this Graph.
(Inherited from BaseGraph.)
See Also