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JsonLdWriterOptions Properties

The JsonLdWriterOptions type exposes the following members.

Public propertyJsonFormatting
Get or set the formatting to apply to the JSON generated by the writer.
Public propertyOrdered
Order dictionary keys lexicographically in the JSON output
Public propertyProcessingMode
Public propertyRdfDirection
Get or set the text direction mode to use.
Public propertyUseNativeTypes
If the this flag is set to true, RDF literals with a datatype IRI that equals xsd:integer or xsd:double are converted to a JSON numbers and RDF literals with a datatype IRI that equals xsd:boolean are converted to true or false based on their lexical form.
Public propertyUseRdfType
Unless this flag is set to true, rdf:type predicates will be serialized as @type as long as the associated object is either an IRI or blank node identifier.
See Also