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IUriLoaderCache Interface

Interface for Caches that can be used to cache the result of loading Graphs from URIs.

Namespace:  VDS.RDF.Parsing
Assembly:  dotNetRDF (in dotNetRDF.dll) Version:
public interface IUriLoaderCache

The IUriLoaderCache type exposes the following members.

Public propertyCacheDirectory
Gets/Sets the Cache Directory that is in use.
Public propertyCacheDuration
Gets/Sets how long results should be cached.
Public methodClear
Clears the Cache.
Public methodGetETag
Gets the ETag for the given URI.
Public methodGetLocalCopy
Gets the path to the locally cached copy of the Graph from the given URI.
Public methodHasETag
Gets whether there is an ETag for the given URI.
Public methodHasLocalCopy
Is there a locally cached copy of the Graph from the given URI which is not expired.
Public methodRemoveETag
Remove the ETag record for the given URI.
Public methodRemoveLocalCopy
Removes a locally cached copy of a URIs results from the Cache.
Public methodToCache
Associates an ETag (if any) with the Request and Response URIs plus returns an IRdfHandler that can be used to write to the cache.

Warning: Only available in Builds for which caching is supported e.g. not supported under Silverlight.

Implementors should take care to implement their caches such that any errors in the cache do not bubble up outside of the cache. If the cache encounters any error when caching data or retrieving data from the cache it should indicate that the cached data is not available.

See Also