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IAbstractJoin Interface

Represents an Algebra construct which is an Abstract Join (i.e. any kind of Join over two algebra operators).

Namespace:  VDS.RDF.Query.Algebra
Assembly:  dotNetRDF (in dotNetRDF.dll) Version:
public interface IAbstractJoin : ISparqlAlgebra

The IAbstractJoin type exposes the following members.

Public propertyFixedVariables
Gets the enumeration of fixed variables in the algebra i.e. variables that are guaranteed to have a bound value.
(Inherited from ISparqlAlgebra.)
Public propertyFloatingVariables
Gets the enumeration of floating variables in the algebra i.e. variables that are not guaranteed to have a bound value.
(Inherited from ISparqlAlgebra.)
Public propertyLhs
Gets the LHS of the Join.
Public propertyRhs
Gets the RHS of the Join.
Public propertyVariables
Gets the enumeration of Variables used in the Algebra.
(Inherited from ISparqlAlgebra.)
Public methodEvaluate
Evaluates the Algebra in the given Context.
(Inherited from ISparqlAlgebra.)
Public methodToGraphPattern
Converts the Algebra back to a Graph Pattern.
(Inherited from ISparqlAlgebra.)
Public methodToQuery
Converts the Algebra back to a SPARQL Query.
(Inherited from ISparqlAlgebra.)
Public methodTransform
Transforms both sides of the Join using the given Optimiser.
Public methodTransformLhs
Transforms the LHS of the Join using the given Optimiser.
Public methodTransformRhs
Transforms the RHS of the Join using the given Optimiser.
Specific sub-interfaces are used to mark specific kinds of Join.
See Also