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ISet Interface

Interface for Sets which represents a possible solution during SPARQL evaluation.

Namespace:  VDS.RDF.Query.Algebra
Assembly:  dotNetRDF (in dotNetRDF.dll) Version:
public interface ISet : IEquatable<ISet>

The ISet type exposes the following members.

Public propertyID
Gets/Sets the ID of the Set.
Public propertyItem
Retrieves the Value in this set for the given Variable.
Public propertyValues
Gets the Values in the Set.
Public propertyVariables
Gets the Variables in the Set.
Public methodAdd
Adds a Value for a Variable to the Set.
Public methodContainsVariable
Checks whether the Set contains a given Variable.
Public methodCopy
Copies the Set.
Public methodEquals
Indicates whether the current object is equal to another object of the same type.
(Inherited from IEquatableISet.)
Public methodIsCompatibleWith
Gets whether the Set is compatible with a given set based on the given variables.
Public methodIsMinusCompatibleWith
Gets whether the Set is minus compatible with a given set based on the given variables.
Public methodJoin
Joins the set to another set.
Public methodRemove
Removes a Value for a Variable from the Set.
See Also