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AllegroGraphServer Class

Represents an AllegroGraph server, may be used to access and manage stores within a catalog on the server.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  VDS.RDF.Storage.Management
Assembly:  dotNetRDF (in dotNetRDF.dll) Version:
public class AllegroGraphServer : SesameServer

The AllegroGraphServer type exposes the following members.

Public methodAllegroGraphServer(String)
Creates a new Connection to an AllegroGraph store in the Root Catalog (AllegroGraph 4.x and higher).
Public methodAllegroGraphServer(String, IWebProxy)
Creates a new Connection to an AllegroGraph store in the Root Catalog (AllegroGraph 4.x and higher).
Public methodAllegroGraphServer(String, String)
Creates a new Connection to an AllegroGraph store.
Public methodAllegroGraphServer(String, String, IWebProxy)
Creates a new Connection to an AllegroGraph store.
Public methodAllegroGraphServer(String, String, String)
Creates a new Connection to an AllegroGraph store in the Root Catalog (AllegroGraph 4.x and higher).
Public methodAllegroGraphServer(String, String, String, IWebProxy)
Creates a new Connection to an AllegroGraph store in the Root Catalog (AllegroGraph 4.x and higher).
Public methodAllegroGraphServer(String, String, String, String)
Creates a new Connection to an AllegroGraph store.
Public methodAllegroGraphServer(String, String, String, String, IWebProxy)
Creates a new Connection to an AllegroGraph store.
Public propertyIOBehaviour
Gets the IO Behaviour of the server.
(Inherited from SesameServer.)
Protected propertyPassword
Password for accessing the Store.
(Inherited from BaseHttpConnector.)
Public propertyProxy
Gets/Sets a Proxy Server to be used.
(Inherited from BaseHttpConnector.)
Public propertyProxyCredentials
Gets/Sets Credentials to be used for Proxy Server.
(Inherited from BaseHttpConnector.)
Public propertyTimeout
Gets/Sets the HTTP Timeouts used specified in milliseconds.
(Inherited from BaseHttpConnector.)
Protected propertyUsername
Password for accessing the Store.
(Inherited from BaseHttpConnector.)
Protected methodApplyRequestOptions
Helper method which applies standard request options to the request, these currently include proxy settings and HTTP timeout.
(Inherited from BaseHttpConnector.)
Public methodClearProxy
Clears any in-use credentials so subsequent requests will not use a proxy server.
(Inherited from BaseHttpConnector.)
Public methodClearProxyCredentials
Clears the in-use proxy credentials so subsequent requests still use the proxy server but without credentials.
(Inherited from BaseHttpConnector.)
Protected methodCreateRequest
Helper method for creating HTTP Requests to the Store.
(Overrides SesameServer.CreateRequest(String, String, String, Dictionary<String, String>).)
Public methodCreateStore(IStoreTemplate)
Creates a new Store (if it doesn't already exist).
(Overrides SesameServer.CreateStore(IStoreTemplate).)
Public methodCreateStore(IStoreTemplate, AsyncStorageCallback, Object)
Creates a new Store on the server within the current catalog asynchronously.
(Overrides SesameServer.CreateStore(IStoreTemplate, AsyncStorageCallback, Object).)
Public methodDeleteStore(String)
Requests that AllegroGraph deletes a Store.
(Overrides SesameServer.DeleteStore(String).)
Public methodDeleteStore(String, AsyncStorageCallback, Object)
Deletes a Store from the server within the current catalog asynchronously.
(Overrides SesameServer.DeleteStore(String, AsyncStorageCallback, Object).)
Public methodDispose
Disposes of the server.
(Inherited from SesameServer.)
Protected methodEnsureSystemConnection
Ensures the connection to the Sesame SYSTEM repository is prepared if it isn't already.
(Inherited from SesameServer.)
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodFinalize
Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetAvailableTemplates(String)
Gets all available templates for creating a new Store.
(Overrides SesameServer.GetAvailableTemplates(String).)
Public methodGetAvailableTemplates(String, AsyncStorageCallback, Object)
Gets all available templates for creating a new Store.
(Overrides SesameServer.GetAvailableTemplates(String, AsyncStorageCallback, Object).)
Public methodGetDefaultTemplate(String)
Gets a default template for creating a new Store.
(Overrides SesameServer.GetDefaultTemplate(String).)
Public methodGetDefaultTemplate(String, AsyncStorageCallback, Object)
Gets a default template for creating a new Store.
(Overrides SesameServer.GetDefaultTemplate(String, AsyncStorageCallback, Object).)
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetStore(String)
Gets a Store within the current catalog.
(Overrides SesameServer.GetStore(String).)
Public methodGetStore(String, AsyncStorageCallback, Object)
Gets a Store within the current catalog asynchronously.
(Overrides SesameServer.GetStore(String, AsyncStorageCallback, Object).)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodListStores()
Get the lists of stores available on the Server.
(Overrides SesameServer.ListStores().)
Public methodListStores(AsyncStorageCallback, Object)
Gets the List of Stores available on the server within the current catalog asynchronously.
(Overrides SesameServer.ListStores(AsyncStorageCallback, Object).)
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodSerializeConfiguration
Serializes the connection's configuration.
(Overrides SesameServer.SerializeConfiguration(ConfigurationSerializationContext).)
Protected methodSerializeStandardConfig
Helper method which adds standard configuration information (proxy and timeout settings) to serialized configuration.
(Inherited from BaseHttpConnector.)
Public methodSetCredentials (Inherited from BaseHttpConnector.)
Public methodSetProxy(String)
Sets a Proxy Server to be used.
(Inherited from BaseHttpConnector.)
Public methodSetProxy(Uri)
Sets a Proxy Server to be used.
(Inherited from BaseHttpConnector.)
Public methodSetProxyCredentials(String, String)
Sets Credentials to be used for Proxy Server.
(Inherited from BaseHttpConnector.)
Public methodSetProxyCredentials(String, String, String)
Sets Credentials to be used for Proxy Server.
(Inherited from BaseHttpConnector.)
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected field_baseUri
Base Uri for the Server.
(Inherited from SesameServer.)
Protected field_hasCredentials
Whether the User has provided credentials for accessing the Server using authentication.
(Inherited from SesameServer.)
Protected field_pwd
Password for accessing the Server.
(Inherited from SesameServer.)
Protected field_repositoriesPrefix
Repositories Prefix.
(Inherited from SesameServer.)
Protected field_username
Username for accessing the Server.
(Inherited from SesameServer.)
Protected fieldTemplateTypes
Available Sesame template types.
(Inherited from SesameServer.)
See Also