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VirtuosoManager Class

A Manager for accessing the Native Virtuoso Quad Store.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  VDS.RDF.Storage
Assembly:  dotNetRDF.Data.Virtuoso (in dotNetRDF.Data.Virtuoso.dll) Version: 2.0.1+5.Branch.master.Sha.2b2692866fdc3f3bb5bc6f318ab2f93abcc1a689
public class VirtuosoManager : BaseAsyncSafeConnector, 
	IUpdateableStorage, IQueryableStorage, IStorageProvider, IStorageCapabilities, IDisposable, 

The VirtuosoManager type exposes the following members.

Public methodVirtuosoManager(String)
Creates a Manager for a Virtuoso Native Quad Store.
Public methodVirtuosoManager(String, String, String)
Creates a Manager for a Virtuoso Native Quad Store.
Public methodVirtuosoManager(String, String, String, Int32)
Creates a Manager for a Virtuoso Native Quad Store.
Public methodVirtuosoManager(String, Int32, String, String, String)
Creates a Manager for a Virtuoso Native Quad Store.
Public methodVirtuosoManager(String, Int32, String, String, String, Int32)
Creates a Manager for a Virtuoso Native Quad Store.
Public propertyAsyncParentServer
Gets the parent server (if any).
(Inherited from BaseAsyncSafeConnector.)
Public propertyDeleteSupported
Returns that deleting Graphs is supported.
(Overrides BaseAsyncSafeConnector.DeleteSupported.)
Public propertyHasActiveTransaction
Gets whether there is any active transaction on the Virtuoso database.
Public propertyHasOpenConnection
Gets whether there is an active connection to the Virtuoso database.
Public propertyIOBehaviour
Gets the IO Behaviour of the store.
(Overrides BaseAsyncSafeConnector.IOBehaviour.)
Public propertyIsReadOnly
Returns that the Manager is not read-only.
(Overrides BaseAsyncSafeConnector.IsReadOnly.)
Public propertyIsReady
Returns that the Manager is ready.
(Overrides BaseAsyncSafeConnector.IsReady.)
Public propertyListGraphsSupported
Returns that listing graphs is supported.
(Overrides BaseAsyncSafeConnector.ListGraphsSupported.)
Public propertyParentServer
Gets the parent server (if any).
(Inherited from BaseAsyncSafeConnector.)
Public propertyUpdateSupported
Indicates that Updates are supported by the Virtuoso Native Quad Store.
(Overrides BaseAsyncSafeConnector.UpdateSupported.)
Public methodDeleteGraph(String)
Deletes a Graph from the store.
(Overrides BaseAsyncSafeConnector.DeleteGraph(String).)
Public methodDeleteGraph(Uri)
Deletes a Graph from the Virtuoso store.
(Overrides BaseAsyncSafeConnector.DeleteGraph(Uri).)
Public methodDeleteGraph(String, AsyncStorageCallback, Object)
Deletes a Graph from the Store.
(Inherited from BaseAsyncSafeConnector.)
Public methodDeleteGraph(Uri, AsyncStorageCallback, Object)
Deletes a Graph from the Store.
(Inherited from BaseAsyncSafeConnector.)
Public methodDispose
Disposes of the Manager.
(Overrides BaseAsyncSafeConnector.Dispose().)
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodFinalize
Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodListGraphs()
Lists the Graphs in the store.
(Overrides BaseAsyncSafeConnector.ListGraphs().)
Public methodListGraphs(AsyncStorageCallback, Object)
Lists the Graphs in the Store asynchronously.
(Inherited from BaseAsyncSafeConnector.)
Public methodLoadGraph(IGraph, String)
Loads a Graph from the Quad Store.
(Overrides BaseAsyncSafeConnector.LoadGraph(IGraph, String).)
Public methodLoadGraph(IGraph, Uri)
Loads a Graph from the Quad Store.
(Overrides BaseAsyncSafeConnector.LoadGraph(IGraph, Uri).)
Public methodLoadGraph(IRdfHandler, String)
Loads a Graph from the Quad Store.
(Overrides BaseAsyncSafeConnector.LoadGraph(IRdfHandler, String).)
Public methodLoadGraph(IRdfHandler, Uri)
Loads a Graph from the Quad Store.
(Overrides BaseAsyncSafeConnector.LoadGraph(IRdfHandler, Uri).)
Public methodLoadGraph(IGraph, String, AsyncStorageCallback, Object)
Loads a Graph from the Store asynchronously.
(Inherited from BaseAsyncSafeConnector.)
Public methodLoadGraph(IGraph, Uri, AsyncStorageCallback, Object)
Loads a Graph from the Store asynchronously.
(Inherited from BaseAsyncSafeConnector.)
Public methodLoadGraph(IRdfHandler, String, AsyncStorageCallback, Object)
Loads a Graph from the Store asynchronously.
(Inherited from BaseAsyncSafeConnector.)
Public methodLoadGraph(IRdfHandler, Uri, AsyncStorageCallback, Object)
Loads a Graph from the Store asynchronously.
(Inherited from BaseAsyncSafeConnector.)
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodQuery(String)
Executes a SPARQL Query on the native Quad Store.
Public methodQuery(IRdfHandler, ISparqlResultsHandler, String)
Executes a SPARQL Query on the native Quad Store processing the results with an appropriate handler from those provided.
Public methodSaveGraph(IGraph)
Saves a Graph into the Quad Store (Warning: Completely replaces any existing Graph with the same URI).
(Overrides BaseAsyncSafeConnector.SaveGraph(IGraph).)
Public methodSaveGraph(IGraph, AsyncStorageCallback, Object)
Saves a Graph to the Store asynchronously.
(Inherited from BaseAsyncSafeConnector.)
Public methodSerializeConfiguration
Serializes the connection's configuration.
Public methodToString
Gets a String which gives details of the Connection.
(Overrides Object.ToString().)
Public methodUpdate
Executes a SPARQL Update on the native Quad Store.
Public methodUpdateGraph(String, IEnumerable<Triple>, IEnumerable<Triple>)
Updates a Graph in the Quad Store.
(Overrides BaseAsyncSafeConnector.UpdateGraph(String, IEnumerable<Triple>, IEnumerable<Triple>).)
Public methodUpdateGraph(Uri, IEnumerable<Triple>, IEnumerable<Triple>)
Updates a Graph in the Quad Store.
(Overrides BaseAsyncSafeConnector.UpdateGraph(Uri, IEnumerable<Triple>, IEnumerable<Triple>).)
Public methodUpdateGraph(String, IEnumerable<Triple>, IEnumerable<Triple>, AsyncStorageCallback, Object)
Updates a Graph in the Store asychronously.
(Inherited from BaseAsyncSafeConnector.)
Public methodUpdateGraph(Uri, IEnumerable<Triple>, IEnumerable<Triple>, AsyncStorageCallback, Object)
Updates a Graph in the Store asychronously.
(Inherited from BaseAsyncSafeConnector.)
Public fieldStatic memberDefaultDB
Default Database for Virtuoso Server Quad Store.
Public fieldStatic memberDefaultPort
Default Port for Virtuoso Servers.

This class implements IStorageProvider allowing it to be used with any of the general classes that support this interface as well as the Virtuoso specific classes.

Although this class takes a Database Name to ensure compatability with any Virtuoso installation (i.e. this allows for the Native Quad Store to be in a non-standard database) generally you should always specify DB as the Database Name parameter.

Virtuoso automatically assigns IDs to Blank Nodes input into it, these IDs are not based on the actual Blank Node ID so inputting a Blank Node with the same ID multiple times will result in multiple Nodes being created in Virtuoso. This means that data containing Blank Nodes which is stored to Virtuoso and then retrieved will have different Blank Node IDs to those input. In addition there is no guarentee that when you save a Graph containing Blank Nodes into Virtuoso that retrieving it will give the same Blank Node IDs even if the Graph being saved was originally retrieved from Virtuoso. Finally please see the remarks on the UpdateGraph() method which deal with how insertion and deletion of triples containing blank nodes into existing graphs operates.

You can use a null Uri or an empty String as a Uri to indicate that operations should affect the Default Graph. Where the argument is only a Graph a null BaseUri property indicates that the Graph affects the Default Graph.

See Also