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IQueryFormatter Interface

Interface for classes which can format SPARQL Queries into Strings.

Namespace:  VDS.RDF.Writing.Formatting
Assembly:  dotNetRDF (in dotNetRDF.dll) Version:
public interface IQueryFormatter : INodeFormatter, 
Public methodFormat(GraphPattern)
Formats a Graph Pattern into a String.
Public methodFormat(INode)
Formats a Node as a String.
(Inherited from INodeFormatter.)
Public methodFormat(ITriplePattern)
Formats a Triple Pattern into a String.
Public methodFormat(SparqlQuery)
Formats a SPARQL Query into a String.
Public methodFormat(INode, Nullable<TripleSegment>)
Formats a Node as a String for a specific segment of a Triple.
(Inherited from INodeFormatter.)
Public methodFormat(PatternItem, Nullable<TripleSegment>)
Formats a Triple Pattern item into a String.
Public methodFormatUri(String)
Formats a URI as a String.
(Inherited from IUriFormatter.)
Public methodFormatUri(Uri)
Formats a URI as a String.
(Inherited from IUriFormatter.)
See Also