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WriterErrorMessages Class

Class containing constants for standardised Writer Error Messages.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  VDS.RDF.Writing
Assembly:  dotNetRDF (in dotNetRDF.dll) Version:
public static class WriterErrorMessages

The WriterErrorMessages type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberBlankPredicatesUnserializable
Gets an Error message indicating that Blank Node Predicates are not serializable with the appropriate RDF format name inserted in the error.
Public methodStatic memberGraphLiteralPredicatesUnserializable
Gets an Error message indicating that Graph Literal Predicates are not serializable with the appropriate RDF format name inserted in the error.
Public methodStatic memberGraphLiteralsUnserializable
Gets an Error message indicating that Graph Literals are not serializable with the appropriate RDF format name inserted in the error.
Public methodStatic memberLiteralPredicatesUnserializable
Gets an Error message indicating that Literal Predicates are not serializable with the appropriate RDF format name inserted in the error.
Public methodStatic memberLiteralSubjectsUnserializable
Gets an Error message indicating that Literal Subjects are not serializable with the appropriate RDF format name inserted in the error.
Public methodStatic memberThreadedOutputFailure
Gets an Error message indicating that a multi-threading writer process failed.
Public methodStatic memberUnknownNodeTypeUnserializable
Gets an Error message indicating that Unknown Node Types are not serializable with the appropriate RDF format name inserted in the error.
Public methodStatic memberVariableNodesUnserializable
Gets an Error message indicating that Variable Nodes are not serializable with the appropriate RDF format name inserted in the error.
Public fieldStatic memberMalformedCollectionWithMultipleFirsts
Error message produced when a User attempts to serialize a Graph containing collections where a collection item has more than one rdf:first triple.
Public fieldStatic memberThreadedOutputError
Error messages produced when errors occur in a multi-threaded writing process.
Public fieldStatic memberUnreducablePropertyURIUnserializable
Error message produced when a User attempts to serialize a Graph containing URIs which cannot be reduced to a URIRef or QName as required by the serialization.
Public fieldStatic memberVariableNodesUnserializableError
Error message produced when a User attempts to serialize a Variable Node in a format which does not support it.
See Also