| Name | Description |
 | Equals | Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. (Inherited from Object.) |
 | Finalize | Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection. (Inherited from Object.) |
 | GetAttribute |
Get the value of a particular attribute of an element.
(Overrides RdfAParserBaseTHtmlDocument, TElement, TNode, TAttributeGetAttribute(TElement, String).) |
 | GetAttributeName |
Get the name of an attribute.
(Overrides RdfAParserBaseTHtmlDocument, TElement, TNode, TAttributeGetAttributeName(TAttribute).) |
 | GetAttributes |
Get all attributes of an element.
(Overrides RdfAParserBaseTHtmlDocument, TElement, TNode, TAttributeGetAttributes(TElement).) |
 | GetAttributeValue |
Get the value of an attribute.
(Overrides RdfAParserBaseTHtmlDocument, TElement, TNode, TAttributeGetAttributeValue(TAttribute).) |
 | GetBaseElement |
Get the base element of the specified document.
(Overrides RdfAParserBaseTHtmlDocument, TElement, TNode, TAttributeGetBaseElement(THtmlDocument).) |
 | GetChildren |
Return the children of an element (in order).
(Overrides RdfAParserBaseTHtmlDocument, TElement, TNode, TAttributeGetChildren(TElement).) |
 | GetElementName |
Get the name of an element.
(Overrides RdfAParserBaseTHtmlDocument, TElement, TNode, TAttributeGetElementName(TElement).) |
 | GetHashCode | Serves as the default hash function. (Inherited from Object.) |
 | GetHtmlElement |
Get the html element of the document.
(Overrides RdfAParserBaseTHtmlDocument, TElement, TNode, TAttributeGetHtmlElement(THtmlDocument).) |
 | GetInnerHtml |
Get the HTML contained within an element as a string.
(Overrides RdfAParserBaseTHtmlDocument, TElement, TNode, TAttributeGetInnerHtml(TElement).) |
 | GetInnerText |
Get the inner text of an element or a text node.
(Overrides RdfAParserBaseTHtmlDocument, TElement, TNode, TAttributeGetInnerText(TNode).) |
 | GetType | Gets the Type of the current instance. (Inherited from Object.) |
 | GrabText |
Get the text content of a node and add it to the provided output buffer.
(Overrides RdfAParserBaseTHtmlDocument, TElement, TNode, TAttributeGrabText(StringBuilder, TNode).) |
 | HasAttribute |
Determine if an element has a particular attribute.
(Overrides RdfAParserBaseTHtmlDocument, TElement, TNode, TAttributeHasAttribute(TElement, String).) |
 | HasChildren |
Determine if an element has children.
(Overrides RdfAParserBaseTHtmlDocument, TElement, TNode, TAttributeHasChildren(TElement).) |
 | IsTextNode |
Determine if a node in the parsed Html document tree is a text node.
(Overrides RdfAParserBaseTHtmlDocument, TElement, TNode, TAttributeIsTextNode(TNode).) |
 | IsXmlBaseIsPermissible |
Deterine if the HTML document can have an xml:base element.
(Overrides RdfAParserBaseTHtmlDocument, TElement, TNode, TAttributeIsXmlBaseIsPermissible(THtmlDocument).) |
 | Load(IGraph, StreamReader) |
Parses RDFa by extracting it from the HTML from the given input.
(Inherited from RdfAParserBaseTHtmlDocument, TElement, TNode, TAttribute.) |
 | Load(IGraph, TextReader) |
Parses RDFa by extracting it from the HTML from the given input.
(Inherited from RdfAParserBaseTHtmlDocument, TElement, TNode, TAttribute.) |
 | Load(IGraph, String) |
Parses RDFa by extracting it from the HTML from the given file.
(Inherited from RdfAParserBaseTHtmlDocument, TElement, TNode, TAttribute.) |
 | Load(IRdfHandler, StreamReader) |
Parses RDFa by extracting it from the HTML from the given input.
(Inherited from RdfAParserBaseTHtmlDocument, TElement, TNode, TAttribute.) |
 | Load(IRdfHandler, TextReader) |
Parses RDFa by extracting it from the HTML from the given input.
(Inherited from RdfAParserBaseTHtmlDocument, TElement, TNode, TAttribute.) |
 | Load(IRdfHandler, String) |
Parses RDFa by extracting it from the HTML from the given input.
(Inherited from RdfAParserBaseTHtmlDocument, TElement, TNode, TAttribute.) |
 | LoadAndParse |
Parse the input stream as an HTML document.
(Overrides RdfAParserBaseTHtmlDocument, TElement, TNode, TAttributeLoadAndParse(TextReader).) |
 | MemberwiseClone | Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. (Inherited from Object.) |
 | ProcessDocument |
Process the content of an HTML document.
(Overrides RdfAParserBaseTHtmlDocument, TElement, TNode, TAttributeProcessDocument(RdfAParserContextTHtmlDocument, RdfAEvaluationContext).) |
 | ProcessElement |
Process the content of an element of the document.
(Inherited from RdfAParserBaseTHtmlDocument, TElement, TNode, TAttribute.) |
 | SetAttribute |
Set the value of a particular attribute of an element.
(Overrides RdfAParserBaseTHtmlDocument, TElement, TNode, TAttributeSetAttribute(TElement, String, String).) |
 | ToString | Returns a string that represents the current object. (Inherited from Object.) |