VDS.RDF.Parsing Namespace |
Namespace for Parsing classes and variety of supporting Classes.
Classes here are primarily implementations of IRdfReader with some implementations of IStoreReader and a few other specialised classes.
Has child namespaces Events and Tokens for supporting Event and Token based Parsing.
Class | Description | |
BaseGZipDatasetParser |
Abstract Base Class for parsers that handle GZipped input.
| |
BaseGZipParser |
Abstract Base class for RDF parsers which can read GZipped input.
| |
BaseGZipResultsParser |
Abstract Base class for Results parser that read GZipped input.
| |
BlockingTextReader |
The BlockingTextReader is an implementation of a BufferedTextReader designed to wrap other readers which may or may not have high latency and thus ensures that premature end of input bug is not experienced.
| |
BufferedTextReader |
Abstract class representing a text reader that provides buffering on top of another text reader.
| |
DataUriLoader |
A Class for parsing RDF data from Data URIs.
| |
EmbeddedResourceLoader |
Static Helper Class for loading Graphs and Triple Stores from Embedded Resources.
| |
FileLoader |
Static Helper Class for loading RDF Files into Graphs/Triple Stores.
| |
GZippedJsonLdParser |
Parser for oading GZipped JSON-LD.
| |
GZippedNotation3Parser |
Parser for loading GZipped Notation 3.
| |
GZippedNQuadsParser |
Parser for loading GZipped NQuads.
| |
GZippedNTriplesParser |
Parser for loading GZipped NTriples.
| |
GZippedRdfAParser |
Parser for loading GZipped RDFa.
| |
GZippedRdfJsonParser |
Parser for loading GZipped RDF/JSON.
| |
GZippedRdfXmlParser |
Parser for loading GZipped RDF/XML.
| |
GZippedSparqlCsvParser |
Parser for GZipped SPARQL CSV.
| |
GZippedSparqlJsonParser |
Parser for GZipped SPARQL JSON.
| |
GZippedSparqlTsvParser |
Parser for GZipped SPARQL TSV.
| |
GZippedSparqlXmlParser |
Parser for GZipped SPARQL XML.
| |
GZippedTriGParser |
Parser for loading GZipped TriG.
| |
GZippedTriXParser |
Parser for loading GZipped TriX.
| |
GZippedTurtleParser |
Parser for loading GZipped Turtle.
| |
IriSpecsHelper |
Static Helper class which can be used to validate IRIs according to. RFC 3987 | |
JsonLdParser |
Parser for JSON-LD 1.0/1.1.
| |
LanguageTag |
Provides methods for working with BCP 47 language tags
| |
NonBlockingTextReader |
The NonBlockingTextReader is an implementation of a BufferedTextReader designed to wrap other readers where latency is known not to be a problem and we don't expect to ever have an empty read occur before the actual end of the stream.
| |
Notation3Parser |
Parser for Notation 3 syntax.
| |
NQuadsParser |
Parser for parsing NQuads (NTriples with an additional Context i.e. Named Graphs).
| |
NTriplesParser |
Parser for NTriples syntax.
| |
ParserHelper |
Static Helper class containing useful methods for Parsers.
| |
ParsingTextReader |
An extended TextReader for use in parsing.
| |
PositionInfo |
Represents Position Information from Parsers.
| |
RdfAParser |
Class for reading RDF embedded as RDFa from within HTML web pages.
| |
RdfAParserBaseTHtmlDocument, TElement, TNode, TAttribute |
Base class for the framework-specific RDFa parser implementations.
| |
RdfJsonParser |
Parser for RDF/JSON Syntax.
| |
RdfParseException |
Class for representing errors in parsing RDF.
| |
RdfParserSelectionException |
Class for representing errors in selecting an appropriate parser to parse RDF with.
| |
RdfParsingTerminatedException |
Class for representing that a parser has been terminated by a IRdfHandler.
| |
RdfSpecsHelper |
Helper class with useful constants relating to the RDF Specification.
| |
RdfThreadedParsingException |
Class of exceptions that may occur when doing multi-threaded parsing of RDF.
| |
RdfXmlParser |
Parser for RDF/XML syntax.
| |
RdfXmlSpecsHelper |
Static Helper class for providing Constants and Helper functions for use by RDF/XML parsers.
| |
SparqlBooleanParser |
Parser for SPARQL Boolean results as Plain Text.
| |
SparqlCsvParser |
Parser for reading SPARQL Results that have been serialized in the SPARQL Results CSV format.
| |
SparqlJsonParser |
Parser for SPARQL Results JSON Format.
| |
SparqlQueryParser |
Class for parsing SPARQL Queries into SparqlQuery objects that can be used to query a Graph or Triple Store.
| |
SparqlRdfParser |
Parser for reading SPARQL Results which have been encoded in the RDF schema for Result Sets and serialized as RDF.
| |
SparqlTsvParser |
Parser for reading SPARQL Results that have been serialized in the SPARQL Results TSV format.
| |
SparqlUpdateParser |
Class for parsing SPARQL Update commands into SparqlUpdateCommandSet objects that can be used to modify a Triple Store.
| |
SparqlXmlParser |
Parser for SPARQL Results XML Format.
| |
StringParser |
Static Helper Class which allows raw strings of RDF/SPARQL Results to be parsed directly.
| |
TermMappings |
Represents a dynamic vocabulary for RDFa.
| |
TriGParser |
Parser for parsing TriG (Turtle with Named Graphs) RDF Syntax into a Triple Store.
| |
TriXParser |
Parser for parsing TriX (a named Graph XML format for RDF).
| |
TurtleParser |
Parser for Turtle syntax.
| |
TurtleSpecsHelper |
Helper function relating to the Turtle Specifications.
| |
UnicodeSpecsHelper |
Helper Class which defines some Test Functions for testing the Unicode Category of Characters.
| |
UriLoader |
Static Helper Class for dereferencing URIs and attempting to parse the results of a HTTP GET request to the URI into RDF.
| |
VirtuosoReader |
Class for reading RDF Graphs from a Virtuoso Native Quad Store into arbitrary Graphs.
| |
XHtmlRdfAVocabulary |
Vocabulary for XHTML+RDFa (and HTML+RDFa).
| |
XmlSpecsHelper |
Static Helper Class which contains a set of Functions which model Name and Character validations as laid
out in the W3C XML and XML Namespaces specification.
Interface | Description | |
IRdfAVocabulary |
Interface for RDFa Vocabularies.
| |
ITokenisingParser |
Interface for parsers that use token based parsing.
| |
ITraceableParser |
Interface for Parsers that support Parser Tracing.
| |
ITraceableTokeniser |
Interface for Parsers that support Tokeniser Tracing.
| |
IUriLoaderCache |
Interface for Caches that can be used to cache the result of loading Graphs from URIs.
Enumeration | Description | |
NQuadsSyntax |
Possible NQuads Syntax modes.
| |
NTriplesSyntax |
Possible NTriples syntax modes.
| |
RdfASyntax |
Possible RDFa Syntaxes.
| |
RdfXmlParserMode |
Possible RDF/XML Parser Modes.
| |
RdfXmlParseType |
Possible RDF/XML Parse Types.
| |
SparqlQuerySyntax |
Available Query Syntaxes.
| |
TriGSyntax |
Acceptable TriG syntaxes.
| |
TurtleSyntax |
Acceptable Turtle syntaxes.