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TurtleSpecsHelper Methods

The TurtleSpecsHelper type exposes the following members.

Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodFinalize
Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodStatic memberInferPlainLiteralType
Infers the Type of a Plain Literal.
Public methodStatic memberIsHex
Gets whether a character is a Hex character.
Public methodStatic memberIsLongLiteral
Determines whether a given String should be serialized as a Long Literal.
Public methodStatic memberIsNameChar(Char)
Gets whether a character matches the nameChar production from the Turtle specification.
Public methodStatic memberIsNameChar(Char, Char)
Gets whether a surrogate pair matches the nameChar production from the Turtle specification.
Public methodStatic memberIsNameStartChar(Char)
Gets whether a character matches the nameStartChar production from the Turtle specification.
Public methodStatic memberIsNameStartChar(Char, Char)
Gets whether a surrogate pair matches the nameStartChar production from the Turtle specification.
Public methodStatic memberIsPLX
Checks whether a given String matches the PLX rule from the Turtle W3C Specification.
Public methodStatic memberIsPNChars(Char)
Gets whether a character matches the PN_CHARS production from the Turtle specification.
Public methodStatic memberIsPNChars(Char, Char)
Gets whether a surrogate pair matches the PN_CHARS production from the Turtle specification.
Public methodStatic memberIsPNCharsBase(Char)
Gets whether a character matches the PN_CHARS_BASE production from the Turtle specifications.
Public methodStatic memberIsPNCharsBase(Char, Char)
Gets whether a surrogate pair matches the PN_CHARS_BASE production from the Turtle specifications.
Public methodStatic memberIsPNCharsU(Char)
Gets whether a character matches the PN_CHARS_U production from the Turtle specification.
Public methodStatic memberIsPNCharsU(Char, Char)
Gets whether a surrogate pair matches the PN_CHARS_U production from the Turtle specification.
Public methodStatic memberIsPNLocal
Gets whether the given value matches the PN_LOCAL rule from the Turtle specification.
Public methodStatic memberIsPNPrefix
Gets whether the given value is the valid prefix portion of a prefixed name in Turtle.
Public methodStatic memberIsValidDecimal
Determines whether a given String is a valid Decimal.
Public methodStatic memberIsValidDouble
Determines whether a given String is a valid Double.
Public methodStatic memberIsValidInteger
Determines whether a given String is a valid Integer.
Public methodStatic memberIsValidLocalName
Gets whether the given value is the valid local name portion of a prefixed name in Turtle.
Public methodStatic memberIsValidPlainLiteral(String, TurtleSyntax)
Determines whether a given String is a valid Plain Literal.
Public methodStatic memberIsValidPlainLiteral(String, Uri, TurtleSyntax)
Determines whether a given String is a valid Plain Literal for the given Datatype.
Public methodStatic memberIsValidPrefix
Gets whether the given value is a valid prefix in Turtle.
Public methodStatic memberIsValidQName(String)
Gets whether a QName is valid in Turtle (assumes Turtle as originally specified by Dave Beckett).
Public methodStatic memberIsValidQName(String, TurtleSyntax)
Determines whether a given String is a valid QName.
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodStatic memberUnescapeQName
Unescapes local name escapes in a QName.
See Also