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NTriplesParserLoad Method

Overload List
Public methodLoad(IGraph, StreamReader)
Parses NTriples Syntax from the given Input Stream into Triples in the given Graph.
Public methodLoad(IGraph, TextReader)
Parses NTriples Syntax from the given Input into Triples in the given Graph.
Public methodLoad(IGraph, String)
Parses NTriples Syntax from the given File into Triples in the given Graph.
Public methodLoad(IRdfHandler, StreamReader)
Parses NTriples Syntax from the given Input Stream using a RDF Handler.
Public methodLoad(IRdfHandler, TextReader)
Parses NTriples Syntax from the given Input using a RDF Handler.
Public methodLoad(IRdfHandler, String)
Parses NTriples Syntax from the given file using a RDF Handler.
See Also