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WrapperDataset Properties

The WrapperDataset type exposes the following members.

Public propertyActiveGraphUris
Gets the Active Graph URIs.
Public propertyDefaultGraphUris
Gets the Default Graph URIs.
Public propertyGraphs
Gets the Graphs in the dataset.
Public propertyGraphUris
Gets the URIs of Graphs in the dataset.
Public propertyHasTriples
Gets whether the dataset has any triples.
Public propertyItem
Gets a Graph from the dataset.
Public propertyLock
Gets the Lock used to ensure MRSW concurrency on the dataset when available.
Public propertyTriples
Gets all triples from the dataset.
Public propertyUnderlyingDataset
Gets the underlying dataset.
Public propertyUsesUnionDefaultGraph
Gets whether the default graph is the union of all graphs.
See Also