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IHtmlWriter Properties

The IHtmlWriter type exposes the following members.

Public propertyCssClassBlankNode
Gets/Sets the CSS class used for the span tags used to display Blank Node IDs.
Public propertyCssClassBox
Gets/Sets the CSS class used for the div tags used to group chunks of markup into a box.
Public propertyCssClassDatatype
Gets/Sets the CSS class used for the anchor tags used to display Literal datatypes.
Public propertyCssClassLangSpec
Gets/Sets the CSS class used for the span tags used to display Literal language specifiers.
Public propertyCssClassLiteral
Gets/Sets the CSS class used for the span tags used to display Literals.
Public propertyCssClassUri
Gets/Sets the CSS class used for the anchor tags used to display the URIs of URI Nodes.
Public propertyStylesheet
Gets/Sets a Stylesheet file used to format the HTML.
Public propertyUriPrefix
Gets/Sets a Prefix that is applied to all href attributes.
See Also