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VDS.RDF.Writing Namespace

Namespace for Writing Classes which provide the means to Serialize RDF Graphs as concrete RDF syntaxes or graphical representations.

Also contains classes that can be used to save Graphs and Triple Stores to arbitrary database backed storage using classes from the Storage namespace.

Public classBaseGZipDatasetWriter
Abstract Base class for Dataset writers that produce GZipped Output.
Public classBaseGZipResultsWriter
Abstract Base class for Results writers which generate GZipped output.
Public classBaseGZipWriter
Abstract base class for RDF writers that generate GZipped output.
Public classBaseHtmlWriter
Abstract Base Class for HTML Writers which provides basic implementation of the IHtmlWriter interface.
Public classBaseRdfWriter
Base implementation of IRdfWriter that simply handles the logic of optionally closing a text writer stream.
Public classCompressingTurtleWriter
Class for generating Turtle Concrete RDF Syntax which provides varying levels of Syntax Compression.
Public classCsvStoreWriter
Class for generating CSV output from RDF Datasets.
Public classCsvWriter
Class for generating CSV output from RDF Graphs.
Public classGraphMLSpecsHelper
A helper class containing GraphML name and URI constants.
Public classGraphMLWriter
Class for serializing a graph in GraphML format.
Public classGraphVizGenerator
A Class which creates GraphViz Graphs entirely dynamically.
Public classGraphVizWriter
A Writer which generates GraphViz DOT Format files from an RDF Graph.
Public classGZippedJsonLdWriter
Writer for GZipped JSON-LD.
Public classGZippedNotation3Writer
Writer for GZipped Notation 3.
Public classGZippedNQuadsWriter
Writer for creating GZipped NQuads output.
Public classGZippedNTriplesWriter
Writer for GZipped NTriples.
Public classGZippedRdfAWriter
Writer for GZipped RDFa.
Public classGZippedRdfJsonWriter
Writer for GZipped RDF/JSON.
Public classGZippedRdfXmlWriter
Writer for GZipped RDF/XML.
Public classGZippedSparqlCsvWriter
Writer for GZipped SPARQL CSV.
Public classGZippedSparqlJsonWriter
Writer for GZipped SPARQL JSON.
Public classGZippedSparqlTsvWriter
Writer for GZipped SPARQL TSV.
Public classGZippedSparqlXmlWriter
Writer for GZipped SPARQL XML.
Public classGZippedTriGWriter
Writer for creating GZipped TriG outptut.
Public classGZippedTriXWriter
Writer for creating GZipped TriX output.
Public classGZippedTurtleWriter
Writer for GZipped Turtle.
Public classHtmlSchemaWriter
HTML Schema Writer is a HTML Writer which writes a human readable description of a Schema/Ontology.
Public classHtmlWriter
Class for saving RDF Graphs to a XHTML Table format with the actual Triples embedded as RDFa.
Public classJsonLdWriter
Class for serializing a Triple Store in JSON-LD syntax.
Public classJsonLdWriterOptions
Class representing the options that can be passed to the JsonLdWriter via its constructor.
Public classNotation3Writer
Class for generating Notation 3 Concrete RDF Syntax which provides varying levels of Syntax Compression.
Public classNQuadsWriter
Class for serializing a Triple Store in the NQuads (NTriples plus context) syntax.
Public classNTriplesWriter
Class for generating RDF in NTriples Concrete Syntax.
Public classOutputRdfCollection
Class used to store Collections as part of the writing process for Compressing Writers.
Public classPrettyRdfXmlWriter
Class for generating RDF/XML Concrete Syntax.
Public classRdfJsonWriter
Class for generating RDF/Json Concrete Syntax.
Public classRdfOutputException
Class of exceptions that may occur when outputting RDF.
Public classRdfThreadedOutputException
Class of exceptions that may occur when doing multi-threaded output of RDF.
Public classRdfWriterSelectionException
Class for errors in selecting an appropriate Writer to output RDF with.
Public classRdfXmlWriter
Class for generating RDF/XML Concrete Syntax.
Public classSingleGraphWriter
A convenience wrapper that allows a single graph to be written as the default graph using a store writer.
Public classSparqlCsvWriter
Class for saving SPARQL Result Sets to CSV format (not a standardised format).
Public classSparqlHtmlWriter
Class for saving SPARQL Result Sets to a HTML Table format (this is not a standardised format).
Public classSparqlJsonWriter
Class for saving Sparql Result Sets to the SPARQL Results JSON Format.
Public classSparqlRdfWriter
Class for saving SPARQL Result Sets in the RDF serialization in the RDF format of your choice (default Turtle).
Public classSparqlTsvWriter
Class for saving SPARQL Result Sets to TSV format (not a standardised format).
Public classSparqlXmlWriter
Class for saving Sparql Result Sets to the Sparql Results XML Format.
Public classSparqlXsltWriter
Class for generating arbitrary XML Output from SPARQL Result Sets by transforming the XML Results Format via an XSLT stylesheet.
Public classStringWriter
Static Helper class for the writing of RDF Graphs and SPARQL Result Sets to Strings rather than Streams/Files.
Public classTriGWriter
Class for writing a Triple Store in named Graph TriG syntax to a file/stream.
Public classTriXWriter
Class for serialzing Triple Stores in the TriX format.
Public classTsvStoreWriter
Class for generating TSV output from RDF Datasets.
Public classTsvWriter
Class for generating TSV files from RDF Graphs.
Public classTurtleWriter Obsolete.
Class for generating RDF in Turtle Syntax.
Public classWriterCompressionLevel
Class containing constants for possible Compression Levels.
Public classWriterErrorMessages
Class containing constants for standardised Writer Error Messages.
Public classWriterHelper
Helper methods for writers.
Public interfaceIAttributeWriter
Interface for Writers that can use attributes (e.g. XML or HTML based writers) which allows you to control whether the writer will choose to use attributes to encode data which could otherwise be expressed as elements.
Public interfaceICollapseLiteralsWriter
Interface for Writers that support collapsing distinct literal nodes.
Public interfaceICompressingWriter
Interface for Writers that support varying levels of Syntax Compression.
Public interfaceIDtdWriter
Interface for Writers that support use of DTDs to compress output.
Public interfaceIFormatterBasedWriter
Interface for writers which use formatters from the Formatting namespace.
Public interfaceIHighSpeedWriter
Interface for Writers that Support engaging High Speed Write Mode for some Graphs.
Public interfaceIHtmlWriter
Interface for Writers that generate HTML.
Public interfaceIMultiThreadedWriter
Interface for Writers that support multi-threaded writing.
Public interfaceINamespaceWriter
Interface for Writers that support the use of Namespaces and allows a set of Default Namespaces to be defined.
Public interfaceIPrettyPrintingWriter
Interface for Writers that Support Pretty Printing.
Public enumerationCollectionSearchMode
Controls what type of collections.
Public enumerationNodeFormat
Possible Output Formats for Nodes.
Public enumerationTripleSegment
Indicates which Segment of a Triple Node Output is being generated for.