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UriLoader Class

Static Helper Class for dereferencing URIs and attempting to parse the results of a HTTP GET request to the URI into RDF.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  VDS.RDF.Parsing
Assembly:  dotNetRDF (in dotNetRDF.dll) Version:
public static class UriLoader

The UriLoader type exposes the following members.

Public propertyStatic memberCache
Gets/Sets the Cache that is in use.
Public propertyStatic memberCacheDirectory
Gets/Sets the Directory used for caching Graphs loaded from URIs.
Public propertyStatic memberCacheDuration
Gets/Sets the amount of time Graphs are cached for.
Public propertyStatic memberUserAgent
Gets/Sets an optional User Agent string that will be appended to HTTP Requests.
Public methodStatic memberIsCached
Determines whether the RDF behind the given URI is cached.
Public methodStatic memberLoad(IGraph, Uri)
Attempts to load a RDF Graph from the given URI into the given Graph.
Public methodStatic memberLoad(IRdfHandler, Uri)
Attempts to load a RDF Graph from the given URI using a RDF Handler.
Public methodStatic memberLoad(ITripleStore, Uri)
Attempts to load a RDF dataset from the given URI into the given Triple Store.
Public methodStatic memberLoad(IGraph, Uri, IRdfReader)
Attempts to load a RDF Graph from the given URI into the given Graph.
Public methodStatic memberLoad(IRdfHandler, Uri, IRdfReader)
Attempts to load a RDF Graph from the given URI using a RDF Handler.
Public methodStatic memberLoad(IRdfHandler, Uri, IStoreReader)
Attempts to load a RDF dataset from the given URI using a RDF Handler.
Public methodStatic memberLoad(ITripleStore, Uri, IStoreReader)
Attempts to load a RDF dataset from the given URI into the given Triple Store.
Public methodStatic memberLoad(IGraph, Uri, GraphCallback, Object)
Attempts to load a RDF Graph from a URI asynchronously.
Public methodStatic memberLoad(IRdfHandler, Uri, RdfHandlerCallback, Object)
Attempts to load a RDF Graph from a URI asynchronously using an RDF Handler.
Public methodStatic memberLoad(ITripleStore, Uri, TripleStoreCallback, Object)
Attempts to load a RDF dataset asynchronously from the given URI into the given Triple Store.
Public methodStatic memberLoad(IGraph, Uri, IRdfReader, GraphCallback, Object)
Attempts to load a RDF Graph from a URI asynchronously.
Public methodStatic memberLoad(IRdfHandler, Uri, IRdfReader, RdfHandlerCallback, Object)
Attempts to load a RDF Graph from a URI asynchronously using an RDF Handler.
Public methodStatic memberLoad(IRdfHandler, Uri, IStoreReader, RdfHandlerCallback, Object)
Attempts to load a RDF dataset asynchronously from the given URI using a RDF Handler.
Public methodStatic memberLoad(ITripleStore, Uri, IStoreReader, TripleStoreCallback, Object)
Attempts to load a RDF dataset asynchronously from the given URI into the given Triple Store.
Public methodStatic memberLoadDataset(IRdfHandler, Uri)
Attempts to load a RDF dataset from the given URI using a RDF Handler.
Public methodStatic memberLoadDataset(IRdfHandler, Uri, RdfHandlerCallback, Object)
Attempts to load a RDF dataset asynchronously from the given URI using a RDF Handler.
Public eventStatic memberStoreWarning
Event which is raised when a store parser that is invoked by the UriLoader notices a non-fatal issue with the RDF dataset syntax
Public eventStatic memberWarning
Event which is raised when a parser that is invoked by the UriLoader notices a non-fatal issue with the RDF syntax


As of the 0.2.2 release the loader has support for caching retrieved data locally built into it (for Graphs only), caching is done using ETags where the remote server provides them or just by a user-defineable 'freshness' criteria (i.e. number of hours retrieved resources should be cached for). By default this caching happens in the system temporary directory which means it is non-persistent i.e. if you run your application using dotNetRDF it may cache stuff during the session but once the application is closed the operating system may freely delete the cached data. If you wish to have a persistent cache then you can use the CacheDirectory property to set your own cache directory. Even when you set your own cache directory dotNetRDF will delete obsolete data from it over time though this will only happen when a new request invalidates previously cached data.

If you wish to completely control the Cache you can implement your own IUriLoaderCache implementation and use it by setting the Cache property.

See Also