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SparqlExpressionFactory Class

Factory Class for generating Expressions for Sparql Extension Functions.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  VDS.RDF.Query.Expressions
Assembly:  dotNetRDF (in dotNetRDF.dll) Version:
public static class SparqlExpressionFactory

The SparqlExpressionFactory type exposes the following members.

Public propertyStatic memberFactories
Gets the Global Custom Expression Factories that are in use.
Public methodStatic memberAddCustomFactory
Registers a Custom Expression Factory.
Public methodStatic memberCreateExpression(Uri, List<ISparqlExpression>)
Tries to create an Expression from the given function Uri and list of argument expressions.
Public methodStatic memberCreateExpression(Uri, List<ISparqlExpression>, IEnumerable<ISparqlCustomExpressionFactory>)
Tries to create an Expression from the given function Uri and list of argument expressions.
Public methodStatic memberCreateExpression(Uri, List<ISparqlExpression>, Dictionary<String, ISparqlExpression>, IEnumerable<ISparqlCustomExpressionFactory>)
Tries to create an Expression from the given function Uri and list of argument expressions.

Allows for users of the Library to implement and register Custom Expression Factories which can generate Expressions for their own Extension functions which they wish to use in their SPARQL queries. Custom factories may be globally scoped by registering them with the AddCustomFactory() method or locally by passing them to the three argument constructor of the CreateExpression() method.

See Also