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IriSpecsHelper Methods

The IriSpecsHelper type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberIsAbsoluteIri
Gets whether a string matches the absolute-IRI production.
Public methodStatic memberIsDecOctet
Gets whether a string matches the dec-octet production.
Public methodStatic memberIsGenDelims
Gets whether a character matches the gen-delims production.
Public methodStatic memberIsH16
Gets whether a string matches the h16 production.
Public methodStatic memberIsHexDigit
Gets whether a character matches the HEXDIG terminal.
Public methodStatic memberIsIAuthority
Gets whether a string matches the iauthority production.
Public methodStatic memberIsIFragment
Gets whether a string matches the ifragment production.
Public methodStatic memberIsIHierPart
Gets whether a string matches the ihier-part production.
Public methodStatic memberIsIHost
Gets whether a string matches the ihost production.
Public methodStatic memberIsIPath
Gets whether a string matches the ipath production.
Public methodStatic memberIsIPathAbEmpty
Gets whether a string matches the ipath-abempty production.
Public methodStatic memberIsIPathAbsolute
Gets whether a string matches the ipath-absolute production.
Public methodStatic memberIsIPathEmpty
Gets whether a string matches the ipath-empty production.
Public methodStatic memberIsIPathNoScheme
Gets whether a string matches the ipath-noscheme production.
Public methodStatic memberIsIPathRootless
Gets whether a string matches the ipath-rootless production.
Public methodStatic memberIsIpChar
Gets whether a string matches the ipchar production.
Public methodStatic memberIsIPLiteral
Gets whether a string matches the IP-literal production.
Public methodStatic memberIsIPv4Address
Gets whether a string matches the IPv4address production.
Public methodStatic memberIsIPv6Address
Gets whether a string matches the IPv6address production.
Public methodStatic memberIsIPvFuture
Gets whether a string matches the IPvFuture production.
Public methodStatic memberIsIQuery
Gets whether a string matches the iquery production.
Public methodStatic memberIsIRegName
Gets whether a string matches the ireg-name production.
Public methodStatic memberIsIrelativePart
Gets whether a string matches the irelative-part production.
Public methodStatic memberIsIrelativeRef
Gets whether a string matches the irelative-ref production.
Public methodStatic memberIsIri
Gets whether a string matches the IRI production.
Public methodStatic memberIsIriReference
Gets whether a string matches the IRI-reference production.
Public methodStatic memberIsISegment
Gets whether a string matches the isegment production.
Public methodStatic memberIsISegmentNz
Gets whether a string matches the isegment-nz production.
Public methodStatic memberIsISegmentNzNc
Gets whether a string matches the isegment-nz-nc production.
Public methodStatic memberIsIUnreserved
Gets whether a character matches the iunreserved production.
Public methodStatic memberIsIUserInfo
Gets whether a string matches the userinfo production.
Public methodStatic memberIsLs32
Gets whether a string matches the ls32 production.
Public methodStatic memberIsPctEncoded
Gets whether a string matches the pct-encoded production.
Public methodStatic memberIsPort
Gets whether a string matches the port production.
Public methodStatic memberIsReserved
Gets whether a character matches the reserved production.
Public methodStatic memberIsScheme
Gets whether a string matches the scheme production.
Public methodStatic memberIsSubDelims
Gets whether a character matches the sub-delims production.
Public methodStatic memberIsUcsChar
Gets whether a character matches the ucschar production.
Public methodStatic memberIsUnreserved
Gets whether a character matches the unreserved production.
See Also