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IriSpecsHelper Class

Static Helper class which can be used to validate IRIs according to. RFC 3987
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  VDS.RDF.Parsing
Assembly:  dotNetRDF (in dotNetRDF.dll) Version:
public static class IriSpecsHelper

The IriSpecsHelper type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberIsAbsoluteIri
Gets whether a string matches the absolute-IRI production.
Public methodStatic memberIsDecOctet
Gets whether a string matches the dec-octet production.
Public methodStatic memberIsGenDelims
Gets whether a character matches the gen-delims production.
Public methodStatic memberIsH16
Gets whether a string matches the h16 production.
Public methodStatic memberIsHexDigit
Gets whether a character matches the HEXDIG terminal.
Public methodStatic memberIsIAuthority
Gets whether a string matches the iauthority production.
Public methodStatic memberIsIFragment
Gets whether a string matches the ifragment production.
Public methodStatic memberIsIHierPart
Gets whether a string matches the ihier-part production.
Public methodStatic memberIsIHost
Gets whether a string matches the ihost production.
Public methodStatic memberIsIPath
Gets whether a string matches the ipath production.
Public methodStatic memberIsIPathAbEmpty
Gets whether a string matches the ipath-abempty production.
Public methodStatic memberIsIPathAbsolute
Gets whether a string matches the ipath-absolute production.
Public methodStatic memberIsIPathEmpty
Gets whether a string matches the ipath-empty production.
Public methodStatic memberIsIPathNoScheme
Gets whether a string matches the ipath-noscheme production.
Public methodStatic memberIsIPathRootless
Gets whether a string matches the ipath-rootless production.
Public methodStatic memberIsIpChar
Gets whether a string matches the ipchar production.
Public methodStatic memberIsIPLiteral
Gets whether a string matches the IP-literal production.
Public methodStatic memberIsIPv4Address
Gets whether a string matches the IPv4address production.
Public methodStatic memberIsIPv6Address
Gets whether a string matches the IPv6address production.
Public methodStatic memberIsIPvFuture
Gets whether a string matches the IPvFuture production.
Public methodStatic memberIsIQuery
Gets whether a string matches the iquery production.
Public methodStatic memberIsIRegName
Gets whether a string matches the ireg-name production.
Public methodStatic memberIsIrelativePart
Gets whether a string matches the irelative-part production.
Public methodStatic memberIsIrelativeRef
Gets whether a string matches the irelative-ref production.
Public methodStatic memberIsIri
Gets whether a string matches the IRI production.
Public methodStatic memberIsIriReference
Gets whether a string matches the IRI-reference production.
Public methodStatic memberIsISegment
Gets whether a string matches the isegment production.
Public methodStatic memberIsISegmentNz
Gets whether a string matches the isegment-nz production.
Public methodStatic memberIsISegmentNzNc
Gets whether a string matches the isegment-nz-nc production.
Public methodStatic memberIsIUnreserved
Gets whether a character matches the iunreserved production.
Public methodStatic memberIsIUserInfo
Gets whether a string matches the userinfo production.
Public methodStatic memberIsLs32
Gets whether a string matches the ls32 production.
Public methodStatic memberIsPctEncoded
Gets whether a string matches the pct-encoded production.
Public methodStatic memberIsPort
Gets whether a string matches the port production.
Public methodStatic memberIsReserved
Gets whether a character matches the reserved production.
Public methodStatic memberIsScheme
Gets whether a string matches the scheme production.
Public methodStatic memberIsSubDelims
Gets whether a character matches the sub-delims production.
Public methodStatic memberIsUcsChar
Gets whether a character matches the ucschar production.
Public methodStatic memberIsUnreserved
Gets whether a character matches the unreserved production.
Some valid IRIs may be rejected by these validating functions as the IRI specification allows character codes which are outside the range of the .Net char type.
See Also