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SparqlSpecsHelper Methods

The SparqlSpecsHelper type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberDateEquality
Implements Date Equality with SPARQL Semantics.
Public methodStatic memberDateTimeEquality
Implements Date Time Equality with SPARQL Semantics.
Public methodStatic memberEffectiveBooleanValue
Calculates the Effective Boolean Value of a given Node according to the Sparql specification.
Public methodStatic memberEquality
Implements Node Equality with SPARQL Semantics.
Public methodStatic memberGetNumericTypeFromDataTypeUri(String)
Determines the Sparql Numeric Type for a Literal based on its Data Type Uri.
Public methodStatic memberGetNumericTypeFromDataTypeUri(Uri)
Determines the Sparql Numeric Type for a Literal based on its Data Type Uri.
Public methodStatic memberInequality
Implements Node Inequality with SPARQL Semantics.
Public methodStatic memberIsAggregateFunctionKeyword
Checks whether a given Keyword is a SPARQL Aggregate Function Keyword (only keywords for the SPARQL built-in aggregate functions).
Public methodStatic memberIsAggregateKeyword
Checks whether a given Keyword is a SPARQL Aggregate Keyword (includes keywords related to aggregates like DISTINCT, AS and Leviathan extension aggregate keywords).
Public methodStatic memberIsDecimal
Checks whether the given value is a valid Decimal Literal in Sparql.
Public methodStatic memberIsDouble
Checks whether the given value is a valid Double Literal in Sparql.
Public methodStatic memberIsFloat
Checks whether the given value is a valid Float Literal in Sparql.
Public methodStatic memberIsFunctionKeyword
Checks whether a given Keyword is a SPARQL Function Verb.
Public methodStatic memberIsFunctionKeyword11
Checks whether a given Keyword is a SPARQL 1.1 Function Verb.
Public methodStatic memberIsHex
Gets whether a character is a Hex character.
Public methodStatic memberIsInteger
Checks whether the given value is a valid Integer Literal in Sparql.
Public methodStatic memberIsNonQueryKeyword
Checks whether a given Keyword is a SPARQL Non-Query Keyword.
Public methodStatic memberIsPLX
Checks whether a given String matches the PLX rule from the SPARQL Specification.
Public methodStatic memberIsPNChars
Checks whether a given Character matches the PN_CHARS rule from the SPARQL Specification.
Public methodStatic memberIsPNCharsBase
Checks whether a given Character matches the PN_CHARS_BASE rule from the Sparql Specification.
Public methodStatic memberIsPNCharsU
Checks whether a given Character matches the PN_CHARS_U rule from the SPARQL Specification.
Public methodStatic memberIsPNLocal
Checks whether a given String matches the PN_LOCAL rule from the Sparql Specification.
Public methodStatic memberIsPNPrefix
Checks whether a given String matches the PN_PREFIX rule from the SPARQL Specification.
Public methodStatic memberIsQueryKeyword
Checks whether a given Keyword is a SPARQL Query Keyword.
Public methodStatic memberIsSelectQuery
Checks whether the Query is a SELECT Query.
Public methodStatic memberIsUpdateKeyword
Checks whether a given Keyword is a SPARQL Update Keyword.
Public methodStatic memberIsValidBNode
Gets whether a given BNode ID is valid.
Public methodStatic memberIsValidNumericLiteral
Checks whether the given value is a valid Numeric Literal in Sparql.
Public methodStatic memberIsValidPrefix
Gets whether a given prefix declaration is valid in SPARQL.
Public methodStatic memberIsValidQName
Checks whether a given QName is valid in Sparql.
Public methodStatic memberIsValidVarName
Checks whether a given Variable Name is valid in Sparql.
Public methodStatic memberNumericEquality
Implements Numeric Equality with SPARQL Semantics.
Public methodStatic memberTimeSpanEquality
Implements Time Span Equality with SPARQL Semantics.
Public methodStatic memberToDateTime Obsolete.
Converts a Literal Node to a Date Time.
Public methodStatic memberToDateTimeOffset Obsolete.
Converts a Literal Node to a Date Time Offset.
Public methodStatic memberToDecimal Obsolete.
Converts a Literal Node to a Decimal.
Public methodStatic memberToDouble Obsolete.
Converts a Literal Node to a Double.
Public methodStatic memberToFloat Obsolete.
Converts a Literal Node to a Float.
Public methodStatic memberToInteger Obsolete.
Converts a Literal Node to an Integer.
Public methodStatic memberToTimeSpan Obsolete.
Converts a Literal Node to a Time Span.
Public methodStatic memberUnescapeQName
Unescapes local name escapes from QNames.
See Also