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SparqlEvaluationContext Properties

The SparqlEvaluationContext type exposes the following members.

Public propertyBinder
Gets/Sets the Results Binder.
Public propertyData
Gets the Dataset the query is over.
Public propertyInputMultiset
Gets/Sets the Input Multiset.
Public propertyItem
Gets/Sets a Object that should be persisted over the entire Evaluation Context.
Public propertyOutputMultiset
Gets/Sets the Output Multiset.
Public propertyProcessor
Gets the custom query processor that is in use (if any).
Public propertyQuery
Gets the Query that is being evaluated.
Public propertyQueryTime
Retrieves the Time in milliseconds the query took to evaluate.
Public propertyQueryTimeout
Gets the Query Timeout used for the Query.
Public propertyQueryTimeTicks
Retrieves the Time in ticks the query took to evaluate.
Public propertyRemainingTimeout
Gets the Remaining Timeout i.e. the Timeout taking into account time already elapsed.
Public propertyTrimTemporaryVariables
Gets/Sets whether BGPs should trim temporary variables.
See Also