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ReadWriteSparqlConnector Properties

The ReadWriteSparqlConnector type exposes the following members.

Public propertyDeleteSupported
Gets that deleting graphs is supported.
(Overrides SparqlConnector.DeleteSupported.)
Public propertyEndpoint
Gets the underlying SparqlRemoteEndpoint which this class is a wrapper around.
(Inherited from SparqlConnector.)
Public propertyIOBehaviour
Gets the IO behaviour for the store.
(Overrides SparqlConnector.IOBehaviour.)
Public propertyIsReadOnly
Gets that the store is not read-only.
(Overrides SparqlConnector.IsReadOnly.)
Public propertyIsReady
Returns that the Connection is ready.
(Inherited from SparqlConnector.)
Public propertyListGraphsSupported
Returns that listing graphs is supported.
(Inherited from SparqlConnector.)
Public propertyParentServer
Gets the parent server (if any).
(Inherited from SparqlConnector.)
Public propertySkipLocalParsing
Controls whether the Query will be parsed locally to accurately determine its Query Type for processing the response.
(Inherited from SparqlConnector.)
Public propertyTimeout
Gets/Sets the HTTP Timeout in milliseconds used for communicating with the SPARQL Endpoint.
(Overrides SparqlConnector.Timeout.)
Public propertyUpdateEndpoint
Gets the underlying SparqlRemoteUpdateEndpoint which this class is a wrapper around.
Public propertyUpdateSupported
Gets that triple level updates are supported, see the remarks section of the ReadWriteSparqlConnector for exactly what is and isn't supported.
(Overrides SparqlConnector.UpdateSupported.)
See Also