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ReadWriteSparqlConnector Class

Class for connecting to any SPARQL server that provides both a query and update endpoint.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  VDS.RDF.Storage
Assembly:  dotNetRDF (in dotNetRDF.dll) Version:
public class ReadWriteSparqlConnector : SparqlConnector, 
	IUpdateableStorage, IQueryableStorage, IStorageProvider, IStorageCapabilities, IDisposable

The ReadWriteSparqlConnector type exposes the following members.

Public propertyDeleteSupported
Gets that deleting graphs is supported.
(Overrides SparqlConnector.DeleteSupported.)
Public propertyEndpoint
Gets the underlying SparqlRemoteEndpoint which this class is a wrapper around.
(Inherited from SparqlConnector.)
Public propertyIOBehaviour
Gets the IO behaviour for the store.
(Overrides SparqlConnector.IOBehaviour.)
Public propertyIsReadOnly
Gets that the store is not read-only.
(Overrides SparqlConnector.IsReadOnly.)
Public propertyIsReady
Returns that the Connection is ready.
(Inherited from SparqlConnector.)
Public propertyListGraphsSupported
Returns that listing graphs is supported.
(Inherited from SparqlConnector.)
Public propertyParentServer
Gets the parent server (if any).
(Inherited from SparqlConnector.)
Public propertySkipLocalParsing
Controls whether the Query will be parsed locally to accurately determine its Query Type for processing the response.
(Inherited from SparqlConnector.)
Public propertyTimeout
Gets/Sets the HTTP Timeout in milliseconds used for communicating with the SPARQL Endpoint.
(Overrides SparqlConnector.Timeout.)
Public propertyUpdateEndpoint
Gets the underlying SparqlRemoteUpdateEndpoint which this class is a wrapper around.
Public propertyUpdateSupported
Gets that triple level updates are supported, see the remarks section of the ReadWriteSparqlConnector for exactly what is and isn't supported.
(Overrides SparqlConnector.UpdateSupported.)
Public methodDeleteGraph(String)
Deletes a graph from the store.
(Overrides SparqlConnector.DeleteGraph(String).)
Public methodDeleteGraph(Uri)
Deletes a graph from the store.
(Overrides SparqlConnector.DeleteGraph(Uri).)
Public methodDispose
Disposes of the Connection.
(Inherited from SparqlConnector.)
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodFinalize
Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodListGraphs
Lists the Graphs in the Store.
(Inherited from SparqlConnector.)
Public methodLoadGraph(IGraph, String)
Loads a Graph from the SPARQL Endpoint.
(Inherited from SparqlConnector.)
Public methodLoadGraph(IGraph, Uri)
Loads a Graph from the SPARQL Endpoint.
(Inherited from SparqlConnector.)
Public methodLoadGraph(IRdfHandler, String)
Loads a Graph from the SPARQL Endpoint.
(Inherited from SparqlConnector.)
Public methodLoadGraph(IRdfHandler, Uri)
Loads a Graph from the SPARQL Endpoint.
(Inherited from SparqlConnector.)
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodQuery(String)
Makes a Query against the SPARQL Endpoint.
(Inherited from SparqlConnector.)
Public methodQuery(IRdfHandler, ISparqlResultsHandler, String)
Makes a Query against the SPARQL Endpoint processing the results with an appropriate handler from those provided.
(Inherited from SparqlConnector.)
Public methodSaveGraph
Saves a graph to the store.
(Overrides SparqlConnector.SaveGraph(IGraph).)
Public methodSerializeConfiguration
Serializes the connection's configuration.
(Overrides SparqlConnector.SerializeConfiguration(ConfigurationSerializationContext).)
Public methodToString
Gets a String which gives details of the Connection.
(Overrides SparqlConnector.ToString().)
Public methodUpdate
Makes a SPARQL Update against the store.
Public methodUpdateGraph(String, IEnumerable<Triple>, IEnumerable<Triple>)
Updates a graph in the store.
(Overrides SparqlConnector.UpdateGraph(String, IEnumerable<Triple>, IEnumerable<Triple>).)
Public methodUpdateGraph(Uri, IEnumerable<Triple>, IEnumerable<Triple>)
Updates a graph in the store.
(Overrides SparqlConnector.UpdateGraph(Uri, IEnumerable<Triple>, IEnumerable<Triple>).)
Protected field_endpoint
Underlying SPARQL query endpoint.
(Inherited from SparqlConnector.)
Protected field_mode
Method for loading graphs.
(Inherited from SparqlConnector.)
Protected field_skipLocalParsing
Whether to skip local parsing.
(Inherited from SparqlConnector.)
Protected field_timeout
Timeout for endpoints.
(Inherited from SparqlConnector.)

This class is a wrapper around a SparqlRemoteEndpoint and a SparqlRemoteUpdateEndpoint. The former is used for the query functionality while the latter is used for the update functionality. As updates happen via SPARQL the behaviour with respects to adding and removing blank nodes will be somewhat up to the underlying SPARQL implementation. This connector is not able to carry out UpdateGraph(Uri, IEnumerable<Triple> , IEnumerable<Triple> ) operations which attempt to delete blank nodes and cannot guarantee that added blank nodes bear any relation to existing blank nodes in the store.

Unlike other HTTP based connectors this connector does not derive from BaseHttpConnector - if you need to specify proxy information you should do so on the SPARQL Endpoint you are wrapping either by providing endpoint instance pre-configured with the proxy settings or by accessing the endpoint via the Endpoint and UpdateEndpoint properties and programmatically adding the settings.

See Also