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SparqlUpdateCommandType Enumeration

Possible SPARQL Update Command Types.

Namespace:  VDS.RDF.Update
Assembly:  dotNetRDF (in dotNetRDF.dll) Version:
public enum SparqlUpdateCommandType
  Member nameValueDescription
InsertData0 Command inserts data
DeleteData1 Command deletes data
Insert2 Command inserts data and may be based upon a template
Delete3 Command deletes data and may be based upon a template
Modify4 Command modifies data
Load5 Command loads a graph into the Store
Clear6 Command clears a graph in the Store
Create7 Command creates a Graph in the Store
Drop8 Command removes a Graph from the Store
Add9 Command which merges the data from one Graph into another
Copy10 Command which copies the data from one Graph into another overwriting the destination Graph
Move11 Command which moves data from one Graph to another overwriting the destination Graph and deleting the Source Graph
Unknown12 Unknown
See Also