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FederatedSparqlRemoteEndpointQueryWithResultGraph Method (String)

Makes a Query where the expected Result is an RDF Graph ie. CONSTRUCT and DESCRIBE Queries.

Namespace:  VDS.RDF.Query
Assembly:  dotNetRDF (in dotNetRDF.dll) Version:
public override IGraph QueryWithResultGraph(
	string sparqlQuery


Type: SystemString
SPARQL Query String.

Return Value

Type: IGraph
RDF Graph.
RdfQueryExceptionThrown if any of the requests to the endpoints fail.
RdfQueryTimeoutExceptionThrown if not all the requests complete within the set timeout.

The query is executed by sending it federating it to all the endpoints this endpoint contains using simultaneous asychronous calls. Once these calls complete the results are naivley merged together (no duplicate data removal) and returned as a single result.

By default if any of the endpoints used return an error then the entire query will fail and an exception will be thrown, this behaviour can be overridden by setting the IgnoreFailedRequests property to be true in which case the result will be the merge of the results from all endpoints which successfully provided a result.

See Also